The concertation in Spain involves eliminating identity elements to the left and right

Perhaps you remember those fateful years at the beginning of the 2nd decade of this 21st century, when Zapatero was struck down by the euro crisis that he denied. He received calls from Obama to meet the demands of the markets and cuts to the welfare state began. The most distinctive note in the European political space was undoubtedly the strength of the German coalition between Merkel and the SPD, which was extended several times, gaining a solid majority to speak loud and clear in Brussels.. This solid consensus allowed to bias the paths of the diagnosis and prescription of the crisis, and obviously sweep home.

The result of the general elections: victory of the majority parties at the cost of everything else, puts on a platter the possibility of a similar national consensus. But it will not be like that because the losing force, the PSOE, prefers to reissue the Frankenstein coalition with parties that have in their sights the alteration of the constitutional framework through the back door. For certain prices: binding referendums on autonomy, independence and others, which, according to the law, cannot be paid.

In a show of gratitude to the EU, which is saving our recovery thanks to the assistance of the Recovery Fund and the ECB, an anti-constitutional vaudeville is being prepared that violates its basic spirit: convergence in the rigor of the rule of law. Seldom can it be repeated that at the European table where almost everything that really matters in the long term is negotiated, what counts is national agreement. Undoubtedly, a change of perspective in the histrionics of homeland politics, outward and forward from it, requires a national volition that the acting president despises, despite being the only legible mandate of the electoral result.. And this happens at a particularly critical moment: for what is negotiated and for what we have.

In Europe, this semester under the Spanish presidency, the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact of 2010 is being debated, that fiscal framework by which the containment of debt and fiscal deficits was constitutionally committed. The fact that it was clumsily designed, applying the same medicine to everyone, regardless of the particular situation of each country, and without reference to the impact on the whole, has already revealed the suboptimal growth trajectory and a veiled structural tendency of fragmentation the last five years for the intervention of the ECB. It was from then on that the trend in European growth coupled with the US broke, and when the European division became necrotic..

The current negotiation will correct the form and the times to execute the irrescindible economic-financial discipline, the speed of adjustment of the structural deficits. The possibility of introducing mechanisms that give body to “strategic autonomy” by financing the defense of joint European interests, that is, a Eurobond, is always on the horizon.. He already did it last year on the occasion of Ukraine. It is not a redoubt of exemption from responsibilities, but a commitment of other more iron. In addition to many other things: the consummation of the monetary union, the door to geopolitics to compete with the dollar, and the witness of a European political will. That little spark of illusion… It won't happen.

The political blockade that is coming in the country that modulates the agenda of the EU semester, cannot be, therefore, more alien to the vicissitudes of the European moment that we are going through. Each European nation vibrates hot in its own way with the legacy of several decades of globalization and the traumatic effect it had on its industrial fabric, a cardinal euro crisis with its insufficient diagnosis and prescription, and two others, pandemic and inflationary.. While, in the rest of Europe, the sense of lack of protection in times of polycrisis has coagulated expressions of nationalist identity, in our case, the reissue of the government coalition pact subordinates the nation to centrifugal nationalist particularisms. In essence they are the same gibberish..

let's say it clearly. The Gordian knot of the concertation in Spain involves the amputation of nationalist identity elements that skew the majority parliamentary forces to extremes. Tanto monta, tanto da. It is this same nationalist impulse, a kind of religion in a different format, which aborts a process of concertation between a secular right and a functional social democracy.. National-Catholicism, communism and the identity left, the one that makes rights as sweets are distributed (yes, distractions), are not included in this film. The chimera of his approach at this juncture does not diminish his opportunity one iota. It is not just about strengthening the voice at the table of that European Council, where the tomato is cut, based on consultation. It is about betting on an identity vocation, useful for purpose in this s. XXI, which is the European.

In political terms, it corresponds to transcending an intergovernmental governance model that would be complemented by a federal estate, latent in the PEC negotiations.. When the European moment requires the maximum agreement, that door to geopolitics that is the eurobond, Sánchez is busy disconcerting, in the implosion of his nation through the back door, without lights and stenographers, for the benefit of inventory. Wow, what a photo!

Still stuck for 15 years in the same per capita income, asking for State policies from the concertation is asking for pears from the elm tree. Worse still is formally. The institutional tightrope walking and the veiled bankruptcy of the Rule of Law that is coming, satisfying the unconstitutional price of the reissue of alliances, believes that it is not Europe's business. It does not know Europe as a legal architecture, as a process of convergence in States of law in strictness of law. And his capacity for guardianship. What a show. to time.

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