The detained mayor of Ibiza renounces his act as councilor and resigns from the PSOE

The acting mayor of Sant Josep (Ibiza), Ángel Luis Guerrero, arrested and provisionally released along with five other people for an alleged plot of urban corruption, has announced that he will not collect his councilor minutes for the next legislature and that temporarily discharged from the PSOE.

In a statement sent tonight, the still mayor has announced that he will not assume the role of opposition councilor in the plenary session for the constitution of the new municipal corporation that will be held this Saturday. “In these circumstances, I have to resign,” he says.

He has also announced that he will request his temporary discharge from the Socialist Party this Friday, to which he will return “as soon” as he has got rid of “any shadow of suspicion”, which he considers now has to be his “priority”.. “I will fight to defend my honor and that of the staff of the Sant Josep de Sa Talaia City Council, which I have had the honor of chairing for the last two years and of which I have been a councilor since 2007”, he added..

Guerrero has explained that now he needs “tranquility” to concentrate on “clearing” his name, which is important to him, but also so that those who “love” him do not “have to live marked by something that has not happened”, he has remarked.

In addition, he has added that he will seek to help “free from suspicion” the professionals with whom he has “collaborated” in this “so exciting” stage of his life and to whom he has to “thank so many milestones to recover the good reputation of our esteemed town hall ”.

Along these lines, he has indicated that now it is his turn to step aside and leave the council to the next person on the electoral list “so as not to interfere in the work” that the socialists of Sant Josep must do at this stage, and that it has entrusted to citizenship: “To be a firm and courageous opposition, representing our neighbors with the same responsibility as when we had to govern”. “I am strong, I am fine, I am tired but not sunk,” said Guerrero, who thanked all those who have “worried” about his recent situation and have given him support..

Above all, he has thanked his neighbors for “the trust” of these years: “I will show you that you were not wrong,” concludes the letter sent by Guerrero.

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