From 6 to 12 years in prison for the injuries inflicted on his baby when he was four months old. It is the penalty faced by a man for whom an indictment has been issued in Zaragoza and who, before the judge, has refused to answer questions from the private prosecution, exercised by his former partner.
The events occurred in May 2022. According to the details cited in the car, revealed by El Heraldo de Aragón, the 41-year-old defendant admitted to the mother that he had slapped their youngest son in the face and had shaken him forcefully when she left. I was working.
It happened at dawn and the apparent reason was that the child had not stopped crying during the night and had prevented him from resting. The story coincides with the messages in which the man complained about the continuous crying of the newborn.
The violence used had serious consequences.. According to El Heraldo, the baby suffers from blindness in the right eye and a high vision loss in the left, in addition to a psychomotor and maturational delay. Due to these injuries, months later, 81% disability and a dependency classified as severe have been recognized..
After an examination at the hospital, the father was arrested and charged with an alleged crime of serious injuries. Although he was released with the express prohibition of approaching his son, now he faces a sentence that can take him to prison.