The Government demolishes the Trebujena resort promoted by IU and PSOE without mentioning Doñana

There will be no luxury resort next to the Guadalquivir river in the municipality of Trebujena, in Cádiz. The 300 high-standing homes will not be built, nor will the four and five-star hotels, nor the golf course that the Costa Guadalquivir project provided.
It seems that the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation (CHG) has finally knocked down the mega tourist complex that in its day was promoted by the Trebujena City Council, a historical stronghold of Izquierda Unida, and that was processed and promoted by the socialist government of the Junta de Andalucía with José Antonio Griñán as president and Juan Espadas as Minister of Housing and Territorial Planning.
Barely two days has taken the CHG to finish the report that had to rule on the modification of the Territorial Planning Plan of the Northwest Coast of Cádiz since the Minister of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, charged against the regional executive of the PP for granting the Strategic Environmental Declaration conditioned, precisely, to the opinion of the Confederation.
A report that the body that regulates this basin -and which depends on the Ministry of Ecological Transition- should have prepared and delivered years ago and that the regional Administration had requested, at least three times without success since 2020.
The report, to which EL MUNDO has had access, confirms what the CHG already announced unofficially this week after the controversy broke out and the vice president lashed out at the Board for what she called an “absurd” decision.. In other words, it concludes that there are no water resources with which to supply a macro urbanization such as the one that was proposed on the banks of the Guadalquivir and that it does not mention the Doñana National Park in any of its pages -which the minister did use in her criticisms- and that it also points out that the soils on which it was intended to be built are floodable.
Consequently, the CHG issues an unfavorable opinion to the initiative that, in practice, knocks down the complex that was conceived in 2003, when the Trebujena City Council, always in the hands of IU, signed an agreement with a Belgian businessman to reclassify the soils of an ancient desiccated marsh.
For decades, the local government opted for the project, alleging the urban regulations of the Junta and Espadas himself, current general secretary of the PSOE-A, processed these allegations.
The PSOE forced the urban regulation
But it is also that, in addition, the then socialist Junta forced urban planning to fit the mega project.
The CHG opinion details that the luxury development would require 162,000 cubic meters of drinking water plus 250,000 cubic meters of irrigation water. And that water, apostille, is not available.
Regarding the flooding of the soils, the report prepared by the Confederation technicians emphasizes that these lands are “affected by the Floodable Zone of the Guadalquivir.”
The authors of the report do not miss the opportunity to remind the Junta de Andalucía that the information regarding the floodable nature of the soils was available on the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.