The Government plays with Calviño its last trick to take 23-J towards the economic

On the government's radar, they believe that the wind is beginning to blow in their favour.. At least, that the flags move and that's something. After months and months of dragging the mantra “imagine what we can do with a favorable wind”, when it seems that the gale of the general elections advanced by Pedro Sánchez is coming. Even with everything, in La Moncloa they believe that the economy, the good short-term prospects that they manage, are an argument to be exploited. The lever on which to pivot your strategy. But in the Government there is fear that, as happened on 28-M, the PP bury and annul this speech, dismantling one of Sánchez's main assets.

In this framework, that of placing the economy as the spearhead, wielding the data and forecasts of international and national organizations, is where it is explained that the PSOE launches Nadia Calviño as a stiletto. The first vice president is neither a socialist militant nor is she on the party lists for 23-J, but “I am committed to this project, delighted to collaborate and move forward with our president”. The head of Economic Affairs starred in an unusual image on Monday: she gave a press conference from Ferraz, headquarters of the national leadership of the PSOE. And he did it, at least, for three reasons that are part of the party's strategy. First, to value the “responsible economic policy” of the Executive, which “affect all areas of the lives of citizens.”

Second, to calm concerns, worries and appease attacks from the opposition in the face of the possibility -remote today according to the polls, yes- of renewing the coalition presuming that United We Can “has had practically no influence on economic policy”.. And this despite the fact that Yolanda Díaz is the head of Labor and there are measures promoted that had been claimed by the purple ones – to cite a single example, the regulation of rental prices.

And third, the PSOE exhibits and sharpens Calviño because it considers that it is time to take advantage of the absence in the PP of a leading figure in economic matters. “In front we don't know what, or who or for what,” was Calviño's main idea. The head of Economic Affairs demanded that the PP hold a debate focused on the economy. It happens that precisely yesterday, according to Sánchez's proposal, the first face-to-face between the President of the Government and Alberto Núñez Feijóo should have been held, since he wanted six from here to the elections, and it will not take place.

Sánchez wants to hammer with the economy from now on, despite the fact that the sale of the government share did not work on 28-M and the idea of the PP to “repeal sanchismo” came to fruition.. Growth and job creation data are good. The forecasts are rosy. And Calviño is a solvent figure with a moderate profile, who is accepted in niches that are not so left-wing.. Moncloa seeks to “focus” and “focus” almost a month and a half after the appointment with the polls. Because the PSOE admits that the “noise” and the “tension” has “made it difficult to communicate the Government's management.”

“One of our priorities has to be to focus and focus the debate on what is most important for citizens,” Vice President Calviño stated yesterday from the PSOE headquarters. The fear is that the reluctance of the PP to focus the debate on the economy will again truncate this socialist asset. Because they know that this happened on 28-M. And it can happen again. «The public debate during the days prior to 28-M was dominated by issues that have absolutely nothing to do with the Spanish economy. It is evident that the PP does not want to talk about the economy because it is doing very well.

The Socialists held a meeting yesterday in Ferraz to outline their electoral program, but Calviño did not announce measures in his speech.

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