The Kings seal their visit to Denmark with the traditional signature in glass with a diamond-tipped pen
King Felipe and Queen Letizia concluded their state trip to Copenhagen this Wednesday with the reception of a representation of the Spanish community in the country.. More than ten thousand Spaniards currently live in Denmark, most of them young people who left after the 2008 crisis in search of a better professional future.. In one of the rooms of the Molke Palace, Don Felipe assured during the toast that throughout the trip they have verified “the good welcome that Denmark has given” to expatriates. “You are a dynamic and well-integrated community,” the King assured those gathered there who participate in activities within the Association of Spaniards in Denmark or Spandinavia.
The guests were happy to be able to spend some time with the Kings, who separated during the cocktail to be able to talk to all of them, who told them their life story. Because the King recalled that this reception for the community that they do on all trips is “an occasion to recognize and particularly thank your efforts.”
The Kings left the reception after two in the afternoon directly to the airport, where they left for Madrid to culminate a week focused on the international agenda.
But before the meeting with the Spanish community, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia said goodbye to Margaret of Denmark in Fredensborg, the queen's country residence where the Spanish royal couple stayed.. The Monarch and his wife fulfilled the tradition of signing on glass with a diamond-tipped pen. Queen Margaret has asked all Fredensborg guests to perform this ritual for decades. Later, these crystals are placed in the palace windows, thus perpetuating the presence of the monarch's guests.
The Kings shared numerous events with Margarita since last Monday, when they arrived in Denmark. In addition to the officials, they have lived together in the Palace and there they also said goodbye to the queen's dogs, who entered the room while Don Felipe and Doña Letizia signed on the glass.
Next, the Kings were received by Frederick and Mary of Denmark at the Danish Architecture Center. There they explained the projects they have about the city and how they work with architects from all over the world in a coworking environment in which they exchange ideas.. Copenhagen is the UNESCO capital of architecture until 2026, when it will hand over the baton to Barcelona.
Expectation was maximum among the Danish press to see how the crown princes would arrive after the Spanish magazine Lecturas published images of Frederick of Denmark walking through Madrid with Genoveva Casanova. Although no one asked about the news, the Danish press consulted by EL MUNDO assured this medium that it is the first time that the Danish heir has been photographed in the company of a woman who is not his wife.
Federico and Mary will celebrate 20 years of marriage next May. A week later, Kings Felipe and Letizia will be married for the same amount of time. Because their lives have run parallel. This past Wednesday, in Copenhagen, the Kings said goodbye to the city where 20 years ago Doña Letizia appeared against Gotha.