The man arrested for the death of his ex-partner in Humilladero (Málaga) is released with precautionary measures

The Court of First Instance and Instruction number 3 of Antequera (Málaga), acting as a guard, has ordered this Saturday the release with precautionary measures of the man arrested in connection with the death in the Malaga town of Humilladero of his ex-wife, Carmen Cortés, from whom he was separated, but with whom he was still in contact and had an intermittent relationship.
The ex-husband of the victim -nicknamed El Zorro and a native of a town in Malaga with 5,400 inhabitants located 15 kilometers from Humilladero, Alameda, where he was located by agents of the Civil Guard- is currently under investigation and will have to appear at the request of the court whenever it requires him, they have explained from the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA).
The crime that will be charged and for which he will be tried, injury or homicide, is yet to be decided and it will be during the investigation of the case when this aspect is determined, as reported by the TSJA. Although the Government Delegation against Gender Violence confirmed this Friday the macho nature of the crime, which would be the eighth in Andalusia and number 29 so far this year in Spain, and from the Humilladero City Council they speak openly of the “tragic death” of one of their neighbors, “victim of gender violence at the hands of her partner”.
At dawn from Thursday to Friday, Carmen Cortés -Carmela for her family and friends- called the 112 Andalusia Emergency Service, told them that she was having difficulty breathing and, as best she could, told them about the altercation with her ex-husband.. Members of the Civil Guard and health services traveled to the address where she was located – her home – and took Carmela to the Antequera Regional Hospital, where she was admitted with head trauma, but her injuries were very serious and she had to be evacuated by helicopter to the Malaga Regional Hospital.. In this hospital center he died hours later, as confirmed by health sources.
Before she died, she had time to point out her ex-husband, whom she married on July 22, 1984 -39 years ago now- in a parish in Alameda -the small municipality in Malaga where the person under investigation took refuge after the alleged assault- and with whom she had three children -one of whom died thirteen years ago-.
Carmela, 54, was a temporary farm worker and a resident of this town of just over 3,000 inhabitants in the Antequera region, in the northern part of the province of Malaga.. He was born there and has lived there until this Friday when he lost his life in a new episode of sexist violence.
This would not be the first time that El Zorro had attacked Carmela, although it would be the last. Less than a week ago, on July 15, another incident occurred between the victim and her alleged attacker.. After this, the woman had told some relatives that she was “afraid” of her ex-husband and had even asked one of her nephews for help.
In addition, both were included in the file of the Comprehensive Monitoring System in cases of Gender Violence, known as the VioGénen System, because Carmela had denounced it in September 2020.. Legal action was never taken and the complaint remained inactive.
The alleged attacker was transferred this Friday to the victim's home for a reconstruction of the events, as well as to Alameda for a house search, and this Saturday he was taken from the Antequera dungeons to the court, which confirmed his release.