The officials of the Administration of Justice begin their indefinite strike today to demand a salary increase like that of the lawyers

Officials of the Administration of Justice begin their indefinite strike this Monday –with partial strikes from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.– to demand a salary increase from Minister Pilar Llop in line with the one approved for the group of Administration Lawyers of Justice (LAJ) –of up to 450 euros– and a “redefinition” of its functions. They are also scheduled to demonstrate this Wednesday in Madrid in front of the Ministry's headquarters.
The Independent Union and Officials Central (CSIF), the Justice Administration Workers Union (STAJ), Workers Commissions (CCOO) and the General Union of Workers (UGT) have called the indefinite strike, as well as the demonstration, to to ask for a salary increase from Administration officials and the paralysis of the Organic Law of Organizational Efficiency because, in his opinion, it imposes new working conditions without prior negotiation.
The strike begins this Monday after the unions met with Llop's team last Thursday in an attempt to reach an agreement that would resolve the labor dispute; The day before, on Wednesday, they demonstrated in front of the Ministry and –in statements to the press– said they were “fed up” with “performing functions above those legally established so that the courts can function” without being recognized for said functions. They also met on March 30.
Javier Jordán, CSIF's head of Justice, assured the media that that demonstration was “the starting gun” of a series of mobilizations that the unions will carry out together with the indefinite strike to which the 45,000 Justice officials are called.
The representative of the CSIF and member of the strike committee insisted that “if there has been economic recognition for one of the bodies -the LAJ– there must be economic recognition for the rest”. In this sense, he stressed that the Ministry of Justice itself knew that the rise to lawyers had “a cascading effect” on the rest of the Administration workers.
Asked about the nature of the strike, he explained that “it is raised indefinitely” until Justice “reconsiders”. “The decision and commitment is final,” he added.
That of the officials will be the second strike in the Administration of Justice so far in 2023, since on January 24 – and until March when there was an agreement – the body of lawyers was on strike.
It should be remembered that after the pact adopted by the Ministry with the LAJ, other sectors –such as judges and prosecutors– have warned that they will also request salary increases. In fact, at the end of February, the four judicial associations –APM, AJFV, FJI and JJpD– and the Association of Prosecutors (AF) –the majority in the prosecutor's profession– requested a meeting with Justice to discuss salary improvements .
The Lawyers of the Administration of Justice obtained a salary increase after two months of strike, two demonstrations outside the Ministry and a series of meetings with Pilar Llop's team. After the signing of the agreement, however, the LAJ strike committee assured that “everyone” ended up with a “bittersweet feeling” because to reach the agreement “both parties” had to “give up important aspects.”