Surprise is the majority reaction in the PP after learning about the pact with Vox in the Valencian Community. In the party, it was discounted that it would be inevitable to close agreements with those of Santiago Abascal, but in the autonomous communities they were not expected until after 23-J. Now times have changed and Carlos Mazón will be sworn in as president with Vox votes in the middle of the electoral campaign. The new calendar will force Alberto Núñez Feijóo's story to change or at least to modulate it, according to popular sources, although Genoa interprets that a clear message is being sent: “Whoever does not want Vox in the institutions should vote for the PP”.
The change in the speech of the popular leader was evident this Wednesday. Feijóo will authorize new coalitions with Vox, both at the municipal and regional level, if that is what his territorial candidates decide, in whom he has “absolute confidence”. “We are going to make agreements with those who guarantee us stability,” he said in an interview on esRadio, where he also blamed the PSOE for having to sit down with Vox to govern for not having accepted his proposal for the most voted list to govern.. “The PSOE has no legitimacy to give lessons on pacts,” added the Galician.
Taking the head of Carlos Flores, a Vox candidate convicted of psychological abuse of his wife, allows the PP to make a winning speech, but the fact of renouncing to govern alone breaks Alberto Núñez Feijóo's story of moderation in the face of the generals. Why then has the agreement been rushed? The key is in Vox's approach to negotiate. Kiko Monasterio, in charge of designing the strategies of those of Abascal, would have followed the same tactic as in Castilla y León by demanding a global agreement. Once they agree to sacrifice Carlos Flores, they leave no margin either to extend the deadlines or to separate the investiture from the Government.
The announcement had to take place, as confirmed by sources from both formations, before the 19th, the day on which the term to register the electoral lists expires, since the Vox candidate had to be given a “dignified exit” and announced that he would be the head of the list to Congress. At the same time, the presidency of the Assembly had to be closed, which falls into the hands of Vox, and a government coalition. In Castilla y León, Abascal himself conveyed to Alfonso Fernández Mañueco during his deliberations that they were willing to go to the electoral repetition if their quota was not recognized.
The distribution of seats is about to be closed definitively. Which and how many will be seen as of today, although it has already begun to leak that those of Abascal would manage departments such as Social, Education and Agriculture, in addition to a vice presidency. In the PP they deny this organization chart. Education and Social are especially sensitive areas in which Vox has tried to impose measures such as the parental pin or to equate gender violence with intra-family violence.. In the PP, they are “red lines” and refer to what has happened in Castilla y León where, they insist, beyond the “occurrences” of the vice president, Juan García-Gallardo, social rights have not changed or regressed.
In the popular ranks, the thesis ran yesterday that Carlos Mazón would have asserted the “free hands” that Feijóo gave them to tie up their future without consulting the national leadership. The future president of the Valencian Community made it clear in his press conference that he had spoken with his boss and that he had congratulated him. “There has been permanent contact”, they clarified from Madrid, where they see an opportunity at “the moment”, since the socialists and Sumar are mired in their internal struggles.
On the national board, from Genoa they assume that the PSOE will take out the heavy artillery. Up to three ministers described as “shameful” to sit with an “abuser”. It was the trick they were waiting for to mobilize their electorate, despite the fact that the Andalusian elections were a failure. Moncloa goes further and will focus on Europe. Not only, as Nadia Calviño has already advanced, waving the risk of losing the funds, but placing the focus on the “concern” that there is in Brussels about the growth of the extreme right. It remains to be seen if the alliance punishes Feijóo in the next polls.
On the noble floor of the PP headquarters, they consider this debate to be over and consider that the result of 28-M has certified that their voter is not bothered by the pacts with Vox. They use data to reinforce their argument. Once again, Castilla y León is the laboratory. In the 2019 municipal elections, the PP achieved 35.07% of the votes in this community, compared to 39.98% in May. It improved by five points after having governed with Vox for more than a year, which doubled its result, going from 3.23% to 7.5%. The PSOE fell by almost two points in four years.
In the baronies, they agree with the analysis that electorally it does not penalize Feijóo. The Galician will refute those who accuse him of agreeing with the extreme right with his hand outstretched to the socialists to prevent dependence on the “extremes”. The majority perception in the PP is that the anti-Sánchez vote can do everything and they will always have to resort to the fact that the PSOE has agreed with Bildu and Podemos, warn popular sources. They also do not hide that it is “essential” that Vox opt for a low profile between now and the polls..
In the coming days, new alliances will be sealed with Vox in the town halls, which have to be constituted on Saturday the 17th, but also with other parties as has happened in the Canary Islands, or yesterday, in Cantabria, where the Revilla PRC has given its votes to prevent Vox from being in the Government. The slogan is that the PP agrees with everyone. Barcelona City Council will be the proof. If they support the PSC candidate, Jaume Collboni, they would disarm Sánchez.