The forcefulness with which Pedro Sánchez warned the PP – “You can now tell your autonomous communities that the Housing Law will be complied with in each and every one of the territories of this country” – has been replicated by the popular regions , which keep compliance with the norm, which Congress will approve today, in the air, and subject to a technical examination before the decision to resort to the Constitutional a text that they define as a “botch.”
“Everything that is in our power, that is competence transferred to the Communities, will not be applied”. That is the scenario in which the Community of Madrid is positioned on the Housing Law, after Sánchez's warning. Within what the regional government does not consider executing is the fixing of stressed areas, the criteria to cap rents. That is to say that, de facto, Isabel Díaz Ayuso seeks to annul Moncloa's mandate, which will manage to approve the law before 28-M.
Sources from the Ministry of Environment and Housing point out that the capital has “the power” not to declare these areas because it would cause “the opposite effect”.. Specifically, they cite “reduction in stock” and “increase in prices as has already been seen in the last year since increases were limited to 2%, especially in Barcelona”. They also state that “competition over housing as a whole is autonomous” and the Government “must stick to collateral aspects of this, such as the mortgage market or urban lease regulations.”
The president of the Andalusian government, Juanma Moreno. EFE
They use the same arguments from the Region of Murcia. Sources from Fernando López Miras's cabinet are clear with measures such as the declaration of stressed areas: “We do not believe in interventionism as a solution, so if it depends on us, we will not apply them.”
The regional government will wait to have the text to analyze it but it advances that “of course” it will appeal it if it invades powers. “We respect the norm, but not if it is raised beyond its regulatory framework.”
In the Junta de Andalucía, in full confrontation with Moncloa over Doñana, they remind Sánchez that housing powers fall on the regions. Government sources of the Junta consulted by EL MUNDO deny that Juanma Moreno is considering not complying with the law approved in Congress, but they warn that its content will be studied and, in the event that an invasion of powers is detected, autonomous, it will be appealed before the Constitutional Court.
The president of the Junta de Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco. EFE
The Executive of Castilla y León, made up of the PP and Vox, is willing to abide by and comply with the rule, which they define as the latest “botch” by Sánchez, in the “mandatory mandates issued in government powers.” Yes, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco aligns himself with the rest of the popular barons and defends the power that the communities have over the execution of the legislative part that falls on the regions: «In what are not mandatory mandates, we will do what we determine within our competence », Clarify sources from the Board.
In Galicia, he does not hide his “concern” about the law that today will see the green light from Congress and the attitude of the President of the Government when warning of the mandatory nature of its compliance, “taking into account that the autonomous communities have powers in this matter”. Voices from the Department of Housing and Environment of the Xunta de Alfonso Rueda recall that two weeks ago they demanded to convene the Sectoral Conference so that the autonomies have the voice they deserve in this matter. A request that, they regret, was dismissed.