The PP denounces before the judge "the inaction" of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat with the squatters of La Bonanova

The head of the PP list in the Barcelona municipal elections, Daniel Sirera, has filed a legal complaint today for the “inaction” of the Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat against the squatters of the buildings called El Kubo and La Ruïna, located in the Bonanova neighborhood of the Catalan capital.

Specifically, the popular ones point to the “political manager of the Security Area” of the Consistory and the Department of the Interior of the Government as alleged perpetrators of “the conduct typified in articles 408 and 409 of the Penal Code (omission of the duty to prosecute crimes) “.

In the complaint, the conservatives affirm that “days before the date set for the eviction to take place (finally suspended by the judge), the occupants proceeded to steal material belonging to both the City Council and different private companies to prevent them from proceeding.” to his eviction”. The PP also echoes information published in various media in recent weeks and states that a person “fired a pellet gun from inside El Kubo.”

The complaint signed by the popular mayor indicates that “both the Mossos d'Esquadra and the Urban Guard have not carried out any action aimed at, at least, identifying the alleged perpetrators of the events” and that there is no record that any action has been initiated. investigation for alleged “theft of public property, possession of weapons and for the existence or not of injuries caused by these weapons.”

The letter also points out that the socialist mayor Jaume Collboni, through the Barcelona City Council Security Area (controlled by the PSC), and the mayoress Ada Colau, as well as the Department of the Interior of the Catalan Government, led by Joan Ignasi Elena, would have given “express orders not to act” in these cases “by neglecting their obligations.”

In a press conference organized by the Efe agency, Colau urged Sirera to apologize and rectify because “the dirty war of presenting this complaint is crossing a red line”. The mayoress and head of the Barcelona en Comú list for 28-M considers that the legal action of the PP “has no foundation and will not prosper.”

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