The PP of Castilla-La Mancha sues the PSOE for the "mileage case" and returns 16,000 euros of inflated allowances

The PP of Castilla-La Mancha has filed a criminal complaint for libel and slander against four PSOE charges for their “lies” in the matter of charging mileage allowances for their candidate for the regional elections on May 28, Francisco Núñez .

In addition, the also deputy of the main opposition party has proceeded to return 16,000 euros, which is the amount that he has received approximately since the beginning of the legislature in 2019 as “locomotion” despite using an official car. It has done so by means of an entry into the rectification fund of the central services of the Presidency of the regional Government, as The Objective has advanced.

In the Castilian-Manchego PP they argue that they have chosen to make the money enter this way due to the “deliberate political interest that this problem is not resolved”. Since EL MUNDO brought forward the mileage case last Thursday, Núñez has contacted the Cortes on two occasions – where the PSOE has an absolute majority – to request “regularization” without his request having been met.

From the party at the head of the Government they maintain, for their part, that the popular candidate has given “three versions in one week” on this matter. “Seven days ago he asked for 'payroll discounts' because he used his private car. Today he transfers 16,000 euros without providing proof that he did not use the official car. It is not only the amount, it is the fact of lying about a lie, blaming everyone except him, who is the one with the payroll,” says Sergio Gutiérrez, organization secretary.

To questions from this newspaper, the PP justified last week that its leader charged mileage allowances because he attended the plenary sessions of the Cortes in Toledo from a town in Guadalajara in his private vehicle and that it was upon his arrival in the capital that he picked it up. the officer's driver. What they explained was that there had been an “administrative error” in calculating the distances because the address of Núñez had not changed, who began the legislature registered in the municipality of Almansa (Albacete), who at the end of 2019 moved to Guadalajara municipality of El Casar de Talamanca and who has resided in Toledo since last January, for which he would have received inflated compensation.

The lawsuit filed by the PP is directed against four PSOE officials: Pablo Bellido, who is also president of the Castilla-La Mancha Parliament; Sergio Gutiérrez, organization secretary; Ana Isabel Abengózar; spokesperson for the parliamentary group in the regional Chamber; and Blanca Fernández, government spokesperson. Among other issues, they defended that it was “immoral to collect a single euro bonus having an official car.”

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