The PP resigns to preside over the commissions in Vitoria after accusing the PNV of a false pact with Bildu

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

The PP of Vitoria has denied having reached an agreement with EH Bildu after the popular and EH Bildu took over this Friday with the presidencies of the City Council commissions, and has announced that it is resigning from them “after the misrepresentation” that has been made of the facts.

After the plenary session held in the capital of Álava for the distribution of the presidencies of these municipal bodies, the PNV has denounced that EH Bildu had agreed with the PP to distribute the presidencies of the eleven municipal commissions of the City Council of the Álava capital.

In a statement issued this afternoon, the PP of Vitoria-Gasteiz has recalled that in this Consistory the parties that make up the municipal government do not preside over the commissions, but that these always fall between the opposition parties. In this legislature that has just begun, the opposition is made up of the Popular Party, EH Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos.

In the last legislature, the presidencies of the Commissions fell to the three parties: Partido Popular, Bildu and Elkarrekin Podemos. However, in this legislature, Elkarrekin Podemos, which has gone from three councilors to two after the last municipal elections, cannot preside over Commissions due to a lack of sufficient members, as it is necessary to have a minimum group of three members (president, vice-president and Commission spokesperson) to be able to preside over them..

The popular have explained that, in the Board of Spokesmen held yesterday, both PNV and PSE-EE, in addition to the rest of the parties, gave the go-ahead to the presidencies of the commissions. However, at the time of the vote and coinciding with the last day of the electoral campaign, “they have changed their vote”.

As indicated by the PP, the presidency of a commission in the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council does not mean more than establishing the order of the debates and the turns of intervention of the different initiatives that in most cases are questions that the opposition formulates to the municipal government, in addition to citizen participation initiatives. In this sense, it has stressed that it does not have any executive function nor does it imply any extra remuneration.

without pact

“There is no agreement or pact or alliance with Bildu to preside over the Commissions of the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council. This is nothing more than a ruse by the PNV and the PSE-EE, who are very nervous on the last day of the electoral campaign to try to visualize something that is not true,” he asserted..

The Popular Party has recalled that its votes have prevented EH Bildu from governing in Vitoria, and that socialists and jeltzales form a Government in Vitoria right now “thanks to the votes of the six Popular Party councilors”.

“It is unfortunate what the PNV and the PSE-EE can get to. Not everything goes in politics”, stressed the spokesperson for the PP of Vitoria, Ainhoa Domaica. For all these reasons, given the “misrepresentation of the facts today”, they have announced that they are resigning from the presidencies of the commissions so that the PSE-EE and PNV preside over them..