The PP supports the IU candidate in Medina Sidonia to prevent the PSOE from governing
The Cadiz municipality of Medina Sidonia once again has an IU mayor, José Manuel Ruiz, replacing Fernando Macías, after the three PP councilors unexpectedly broke the tie between the seven PSOE councillors, who won the municipal elections by a difference of 147 votes, and the seven of IU, supporting the latter formation in the investiture plenary session held this Saturday.
The PSOE, which was counting on promoting Juan María Cornejo as mayor as it is the party with the most votes, has assured in a press release that the PP's vote for IU “is an unnatural, dark, opaque pact, where the armchairs have prevailed more , salaries and those released”. The socialists of Medina Sidonia consider that it is “a pact without ideology or principles” and that the right “places the IU candidate in the mayor's office, adulterating the democratic decision expressed at the polls by the people, who never voted for this government option , which favors an IU government with the right of the PP”.
During the plenary session, the PP candidate, María Salazar, who was a spokesperson for Ciudadanos and went over to the PP a few months before the elections, defended her decision on the grounds that Medina had decided that her councilors “would be the arbitrators of this tie”, for which they have opted for the IU candidate for “adjusting more to what the people need”, after having met with the two parties.
The decision, communicated in the plenary session held this Saturday at the municipal theater, was received with boos and whistles among the public and also among people who were waiting outside the building, who rebuked the PP and IU councilors and greeted the PSOE councillor. shouting “mayor, mayor”. The moments of tension between supporters of one and the other did not require the intervention of the local police, who were watching the end of the plenary session.
According to the PSOE, what happened in Medina Sidonia violates a provincial pact with the IU that has allowed various associations and municipalities such as Sanlúcar, Olvera, Chiclana to be divided up, in an agreement that included that the municipality would have a socialist mayor. The provincial secretary of the PSOE, Juan Carlos Ruiz Boix, has called it an “unnatural clamp” and has asked the IU councilors to “go back” and the IU provincial leadership to “undo this wrong”..