The Minister of Education and Spokesperson of the PSOE, Pilar Alegría has assured this Thursday that her party does not like the Bildu lists in which they have included 44 ex-convicts of ETA as candidates for the municipal and regional elections on March 28, some with blood crimes. However, he has criticized the partisan use of ETA in the political debate.
This has been assured in statements provided by the PSOE, in which Alegría rejects the candidacies of EH Bildu. “They are lists that we do not like, they unnecessarily and unfairly reopen the pain of the victims,” he argues.
However, he warns that “in the use of ETA within the political debate and for partisan purposes” they will not find the PSOE. This has been pointed out in reference to the right, although without expressly citing anyone.
As specified, the terrorist group announced the cessation of its activity 12 years ago. “We achieved this victory from the unity of all the citizens of this country”, he concluded.
Likewise, the general secretary of the PSOE and candidate for re-election to the Presidency of the Junta de Extremadura, Guillermo Fernández Vara, has asserted that he is “disgusted” by the presence in public life “of anyone who has had anything to do with ETA”..
In this way, Fernández Vara has pronounced, in an interview this Thursday in the Ana Rosa program of Telecinco, collected by Europa Press, about the presence in the Bildu lists of those convicted of belonging to ETA. “To me, everything that has to do with the presence of anyone who has had anything to do with ETA in public life, what I find disgusting,” said the socialist leader from Extremadura.