The PSOE wins in Seville and could govern with the support of Con Andalucía, according to the CIS of Tezanos

The Center for Sociological Research (CIS) gives victory to the PSOE in Seville in the next municipal elections on May 28 with 39.6% of the votes compared to 33% for the PP, which would give it between 14 and 15 councilors and would achieve an absolute majority -set at 16- with the 3 councilors of the coalition With Andalucía.

According to the CIS survey on the municipal elections, the mayor, the socialist Antonio Muñoz, would beat the PP candidate, José Luis Sanz, who would improve his party's results in the last elections by four or five councillors, but insufficient to achieve the majority with the support of Vox, to which the survey gives two or three councilors. Vox would achieve 7.7% of the votes and Con Andalucía 9.7%, but only the latter could condition the majority.

In the 2019 elections, the PSOE, whose candidate was the current Secretary General of Andalusia, Juan Espadas, achieved 13 councilors; the PP, led by Beltrán Pérez, obtained eight councilors, while Ciudadanos, who will disappear on March 28 according to the survey, obtained four councilors, and Vox two.

In a sample of more than a thousand interviews, Sevillians answer that the work of the mayor in the last year has been good -44.7%- or very good -7.8%-, while 24.1% believe which is bad and 11.4 which is very bad, and in terms of ratings, Muñoz achieved an average of 5.66 and José Luis Sanz 5.08.

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