The rule of law yields to the squatters and Colau
In May 2014, the then mayor of Barcelona, Xavier Trias, now in his third age a candidate for re-election and anointed by the Pujols to revive the Convergència of 3%, an incendiary conflict with the local squatter known as Can Vies undermined his image. of authority and good management, by allowing four nights in a row of violent riots in the Sants neighborhood, after a failed eviction attempt.
Bonfires and uncontrolled destruction that were a rehearsal prior to the revolt of “the smiles” of the procés and that they ended up sinking when they converged, in addition to promoting Ada Colau to the mayor's office as a reward for the one who had served as the main ideologist, activist of the PAH and symbol of anti-system nihilism – against legality, against Spain and finally against their own interests – into which the Barcelona bourgeois had plunged en masse. The same bourgeois who would soon shout, dressed in yellow, “independence, independence!” and who now cries out, desperate for the moral, economic and aesthetic ruin of his city, against a mayoress who has been a calamity, but at the same time has served as a scapegoat. With the hope that the conflict caused by the squatted houses in the La Bonanova neighborhood means his political grave. The Can Vies of Collauism.
Obviously, it is no coincidence that the outbreak of this crisis occurs at the beginning of the municipal campaign, when thugs on someone else's property, violent anti-system ski mask, iPhone 15 and aristocratic claims to live without giving stick to water, have been for two years frightening the residents of this classy area, well, but with the passage of time it has become vulgarized by losing the pergolas and the tennis court in which Gil de Biedma took refuge.
Robberies of minors and shops, threatening graffiti, illegal parties, dealings, shots at passers-by…. Endless crimes and inconveniences without any of the parties that in recent weeks have taken the lead in the protest -Cs, Valents and Vox- due to electoralism, nor of course the left-handed City Council, decided to put an end to a situation that has allowed it to fester until it became a serious public safety problem.
Whether it was because most of the municipal representatives preferred not to be peppered by an issue that would inevitably require forceful police intervention; or because, as in the case of the indifference shown by the mayoress in the face of neighborhood complaints, she herself had allowed and encouraged the occupation of Bonanova as part of her strategy of punishing the more affluent neighborhoods in order to stir up the war of classes and social division.
Faithful to the manual of Ibero-American populism, of which Colau is a prominent outpost, and to the sectarian account of the violent Barcelona leftism of the early 20th century, the mayoress has turned the residents of the wealthy upper area of Barcelona into her enemies during her tenure. Denying “those posh” the equipment, cleaning services and police presence that other neighborhoods that are kinder to her do enjoy in the elections. Like Venezuelan Chavismo, pampering the fishing grounds for votes from the Commons.
This effective class discourse, to which Gabriel Rufián has signed up, declaring that “the residents of La Bonanova need everything except help”, as well as the fascination for the anti-system disobedience that has permeated Catalan society -with “the boys of the CUP” as references – after more than a decade of procés, they are a guarantee for Colau that the crisis over the squatters at the foot of Tibidavo will hardly pass an electoral bill.
Rather the complete opposite. It favors him, since the extreme left and vagrancy groups that make up his voting base have come out in support of the squatters in Bonanova – a neighborhood where Manuel Valls won the last elections – and have presented their clash with the neighbors as a “anti-fascist struggle” and against perfidious capital.
The majority of the Catalan media have joined this invective against “los cayetanos” from Barcelona, even the radio station Rac-1 has sent its henchmen of the idiot jiji haha, brand of the house, to make fun of the concerned neighbors. All this under the cloak of the Mossos, a police force born to break the law, and a cowering judge who has stopped the eviction and has asked to open a “dialogue” process with the squatters.. Certifying, in case it was not clear in 2017 or with the annoying independent courts on Avenida Meridiana, the disappearance of the rule of law in Catalonia.