The six Spanish Leopards arrive in Poland


The first six Leopard 2A4 main battle tanks that Spain promised Zelenski are about to arrive in combat position. Minister Margarita Robles has confirmed this Friday that the battleships have already arrived in Poland a week after leaving the port of Santander. Now, the Leopards must make a railway journey to reach the fixed position, which has not been disclosed for security reasons..

“This same morning, the six Leopards arrived at a port in Poland, which have been repaired by Spain and are going to be delivered to Ukraine.. Today the railway journey begins,” the minister detailed.

At the beginning of the year Spain joined the great coalition of battle tanks of the allied countries. Initially, the Minister of Defense compromised six Leopards, which were recovered from the Casetas Logistics Center and taken to San Gregorio for repair.. They underwent a fourth-step revision and the state was so precarious after ten years of hibernation that they practically had to be rebuilt. The operation had a cost of more than four million euros.

On the occasion of the anniversary of the war, Sánchez expanded the crew with four more cars. These armored vehicles are already being fixed at the Santa Bárbara Sistemas factory in Alcalá de Guadaira and will be ready in two months, the minister estimated..