The socialist ministers deny that Sánchez has "macho" behavior as Yolanda Díaz accused him

Nadia Calviño, Margarita Robles and Reyes Maroto have rejected that the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has “macho attitudes”, as his Cabinet partner, Yolanda Díaz, accused him in the interview on Sunday in La Sexta.

When expressly asked about Sánchez's macho attitudes, Díaz said that there is “machismo everywhere”, assuring that she had witnessed behavior of this nature both by Sánchez and by the former leader of Podemos and former vice president Pablo Iglesias.. For Díaz, the Chief Executive's way of doing politics is “masculine”: “I don't like anything. I feel very foreign to that way of doing politics”. Sánchez is “macho, just like almost everyone,” he added, although he stressed that he is “a great politician” who has been underestimated even in his own party. “In the space I come from, Pedro Sánchez has been underestimated. His own party has underestimated him.”.

Some words that have “surprised” the First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, who has stressed that Sánchez “has demonstrated” his feminism with “facts” since he came to the Government and has given the appointment of three vice presidents as an example and having appointed “a majority of women ministers in significant portfolios.”

“And above all with the facts, with those laws to equate maternity and paternity leave, to reduce the gender gap in the workplace, to stop raising the interprofessional minimum wage or to equip pensions,” he listed.

For Calviño, all the measures taken since 2018 highlight that Sánchez's is “a feminist government” and “with a leader, a feminist president”. “So it surprises me that anyone can say otherwise,” he said.

“If she has seen it, explain it”

The head of Defense, Margarita Robles, has not seen Pedro Sánchez's macho actions either and has urged Díaz to give examples of the macho behavior that he has perceived in the President of the Government. “I, personally, of course quite the opposite. I have not seen any macho performance by the President of the Government (…) If she has seen it, explain when,” he asserted.

For her part, the PSOE candidate for Mayor of Madrid and former Minister of Industry, Reyes Maroto, has said for her part that “in no way” Sánchez has macho attitudes.

Maroto, who has been part of the Sánchez governments since he arrived at La Moncloa until a few weeks ago, has stressed that “the configuration of the Pedro Sánchez government shows that he is a feminist ruler” because he has “had more women than men” in his cabinet.

“Of course, a feminist person is the president” because, Maroto added, “he has clearly identified himself with an element that is also part of the PSOE's roots in these policies”, and he is a “person who defends equality between men and women”.

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