The Sumar ballot will carry the photo of Yolanda Díaz as a logo in the style of Pablo Iglesias in 2014

Sumar's ballot for the general elections will have the photo of Yolanda Díaz stamped as a logo, sources from this space report, and it will serve as a claim to voters given the confusion or ignorance that may exist around the new brand.

This movement copies what Pablo Iglesias already did for the 2014 European elections with Podemos, Ada Colau for the 2015 municipal elections with Barcelona en Comú, Íñigo Errejón and Manuela Carmena for the 2019 regional and local elections with Más Madrid, again Errejón for his jump with Más País in the general elections of November 2019 or recently, on May 28, Alberto Rodríguez with Drago Canarias.

All these cases responded to the same strategy: identify to the voters the ballot of the person they know and want to elect but may not be clear under which brand it is presented.. In all the aforementioned cases, the parties were presenting themselves for the first time in the elections.

This is the case of Sumar, who is now breaking in as a new candidacy of the alternative left of the PSOE, replacing United We Can.

The person who has used his photograph the most times on the ballot has been Errejón (two), who will be part of the Madrid list headed by Díaz. It was also he who convinced Iglesias to stamp the face of the Podemos leader for the 2014 European elections, in which the talk show host on television programs began his electric political career.

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