The three mistakes of the amnesty and the fourth that should be avoided

There is not enough ointment to calm the swelling caused by the amnesty that will or will not be. But that does not mean that the Government has not prepared a mild ointment so that the itching is mitigated as much as possible or that at least it does not get worse..
The ruling party insists, for example, on the impossibility of a law of these characteristics approved before Pedro Sánchez revalidates his status as president.. Hence, Teresa Jordà, the ERC deputy who, according to her party's new strategy, must steal the spotlight from Gabriel Rufián, has shown the predisposition of Oriol Junqueras's party to accept this scenario.. As long as, they add in ERC, there is a signed agreement that leaves no doubts on the matter..
It would be necessary to know what Carles Puigdemont, who conditioned the investiture on the amnesty being a prior reality, thinks about this obstacle that the socialist environment has insisted on highlighting for a few days.. Although, if necessary, it does not seem that this will be a point of friction that prevents reaching an agreement between the parties.. None of them is short of creativity when it comes to creating arguments that dismantle the statements and commitments previously adopted..
The other ingredient of the government's arnica is to assume that with the maturation time that still remains for events to precipitate, Carles Puigdemont will find a way to abandon the parts of his speech that are most poisonous to them.. Specifically, everything that in the mouth of the former president of the Generalitat converts this future amnesty into an apology and an assumption of guilt on the part of the State, rather than an act of generosity towards those who broke the law..
The renunciation of unilateralism and the commitment to always remain within the constitutional framework – as ERC did prior to the pardons – would be what is expected of the former president of the Generalitat. Puigdemont must do more of his part so that the amnesty can come to fruition. This would be the mantra that socialism tries to make fortune.
At this point, the difficulties may be greater. Puigdemont can always be nuanced, or travel into the realm of the ambiguous so that each person can interpret what suits them.. But his clarity and expository vehemence to date have been such that it is difficult to imagine him committing to the Constitution and the rules of the game of a State and parties in which he claims to have no confidence..
Just yesterday, with the sentence to four and a half years in prison for his former interior advisor, Miquel Buch, Puigdemont took the opportunity to put his finger in the eye of Felipe VI. In independence, and why we distrust the Spanish State, here is one of the many that we have accumulated”.
I have conveyed to Councilor @MiquelBuch and Lluís Escolà all my solidarity and affection, and my consternation for this act of barbarism that Spain has just committed, with judges and prosecutors at the forefront. Spain is rotten in its foundations and the king's orders…
— krls.eth / Carles Puigdemont (@KRLS) September 14, 2023
It is true that Pedro Sánchez is now defending an amnesty against which he was implacable before he needed Junts for the investiture. So it could also be that Carles Puigdemont changed his mind regarding unilaterality. But if the Government's demand for this commitment to be made explicitly is serious and ends up being firm, there may be a more serious problem in reaching a definitive agreement..
In essence, both issues, that the amnesty is after the investiture and that Puigdemont openly distances himself from unilateralist bets, would try to correct the two major errors that have been made when approaching this issue by those who have the greatest interest in it..
The socialist error of accepting the narrative framework that it is an amnesty in exchange for the investiture and that of Junts of profiting from it by converting its hypothetical approval into an umbrella of moral and political legitimacy over what happened in Catalonia in 2017 and threatening its repetition. All in all, there seems little ointment for so much itching.
The third error has nothing to do with the previous ones. And it comes starring someone who fights the possibility of that amnesty. The PP, also Vox, will be in the streets against a future Government that will not yet exist on the eve of the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijóo. But beyond this inconsistency, it is the way in which the popular have decided to take their voters and sympathizers to the streets that is a mistake..
The street is not on the left, of course. And accusing the PP of plotting a coup for calling for citizen mobilization against a political initiative, as the acting Government has done, is complete audacity..
But we already saw in 2006 what the collection of signatures against the Statute of Catalonia entailed, which years later some popular voices considered a major mistake; publicly recognizing that this was one of the fuses that would detonate the process years later.
Also demanding this mobilization, as Aznar did, appealing to the slogan “Enough!”, which all of Spain shouted when it decided to stand against ETA terrorism after the murder of Miguel Ángel Blanco, is also unacceptable.. The firm position against the amnesty has a sufficiently wide channel in the representative institutions so that the PP can play as hard as it wishes in the legitimate political battle against a decision that it considers a historical mistake..
Regarding the rest of the institutions, those that support the powers of the State without depending on electoral issues, neutrality and respect for political activity are expected, without which every democracy ends up shipwrecked.. Although they can also be wrong. Let's hope that what would be the fourth mistake is not made.. It would be the most unbearable and the one that would cause the most damage..