The two elected councilors of Bildu with blood crimes do not take possession of their minutes

There have been no surprises or shocks in the municipalities of Errezil (Guipúzkoa) and Berrioplano (Navarra) this morning. Both municipalities were considered 'hot spots' of the day but everything went according to plan.

The forecasts and the lines marked by Bildu were fulfilled (after filtering the presence in municipal lists of ETA members convicted of blood crimes) and neither of the two elected councilors in Ezerril and Berrioplano took possession of their minutes as councilors.

Of course, the two Mayor's Offices were for Bildu. In the case of Errezil, Begoña Uzkudun Etxenagusia did not attend the plenary session for the constitution of the consistory, which started at eleven thirty in the morning, with which her vacant position as councilor has been filled by Iosu Uzkudun Zubizarreta, who held the post number six on the plate that EH Bildu presented in this small rural municipality of Gipuzkoa.

In Berrioplano, Juan Carlos Arriaga, who was number 3 for EH Bildu for the Navarrese City Council, also fulfilled the commitment to renounce the act. In Berrioplano the victory was historic for Bildu.

Uzkudun was at number 3 on the EH Bildu list, which won in Errezil by obtaining five councillors, while the Errezilgintza platform obtained two. This former member of ETA was the only one of the seven convicted of blood crimes who was elected in the Basque Country in the elections on May 28, since the other who obtained a seat as councilor, Juan Carlos Arriaga.

The former prisoner of ETA Urtza Alkorta, sentenced to five years for collaborating with the armed band, has been elected today as the new mayor of Ondarroa (Vizcaya) with the absolute majority obtained by her formation, EH Bildu, in the last municipal elections. EH Bildu obtained seven councilors in the coastal town, compared to the six of the PNV, with which both formations repeated the result obtained in 2019.

The inclusion in the Bildu sheets of former terrorists convicted of murder had become one of the axes of the last electoral contest.

After the controversy caused by the inclusion of their names, the seven former ETA members with blood crimes included in the Bildu lists for 28-M announced, days after making it public, that they would resign from being councilors, in the event of being elected .

His reason: he wanted, they said, “to contribute to peace and coexistence”, according to a letter published in the newspaper 'Naiz', linked to the Abertzale left.

“The configuration of the lists in our respective municipalities has reached an undoubted importance, which forces us, for different reasons, to withdraw our candidacies to the extent possible and to ensure that in no case will we take the position of councilor,” they reasoned in the publication.

All of them announced that they were withdrawing their candidacies, after the great controversy that arose from the fact that the Collective of Victims of Terrorism (Covite) denounced that Bildu's candidacies included 44 people convicted for their relationship with ETA.

The last elections of May 28, in total, Bildu obtained council seats for fifteen of the 44 convicted of terrorism who were on their lists between the Basque Country and Navarra. The seven ex-ETA members who were included resigned to take office as it has been.

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