Many of the inventions crucial to progress, from the wheel to quantum computing, were designed to go faster.. Holidays are also an invention of speed. We live so fast that we had to invent them and stop from time to time to take it all in. But few stoppages are as necessary as this summer after the last political cycle, which has been more like a cyclone. The things that, as a star candidate, in a week have made Feijóo have the face of a former president in pectore will pass quickly. The PP has gone from assuming that it won the elections by far to losing a legislature.
Hence, of all those who will enjoy a break these days to assimilate what happened, surely those who need it the most are all those ministers whom Feijóo is no longer going to name. They will never doubt who would have been chosen. And they not only have to assimilate an electoral result, they also have to rest for the four years they have not lived with which they had been fantasizing for months.
Madrid was full of future ministers for months. Since the PP won the 28-M and Sánchez brought forward the elections, in the gossip of the Madrid right there were more ministries than canapés. Some were even getting used to the idea that they would have to settle for a secretary of state.. During the electoral campaign there were dinners in which four or five future Ministers of Economy could be counted. No one dared to plan a boat vacation this summer or go up the mountain a lot to avoid running out of coverage. Everyone was waiting for Feijóo's call that will no longer take place.
What will the holidays of the frustrated ministers be like? The advantage of the electoral disappointment is that they can safely hang out of office, as recommended by experts in mindfulness. Now they will be able to disconnect and even run out of coverage. they need it more than anyone. It is not easy to suddenly assimilate the condition of a former future minister. Although what a burden those who wanted to be ministers with Feijóo are removed from their shoulders, but did not want to enter a government with Vox. What they did not imagine is that without Vox, neither. Or not, at the moment.
In less than a decade, Spain has gone from ending bipartisanship to trying to return to it in fits and starts.. And as it happens with puzzles that are handled too much, this bipartisanship is missing pieces and no longer knows how to marry the new majorities. Hence, since we do not know how long the blockade will last, these vacations are also very much needed by the poor acting government ministers who expected, even though they do not admit it, a change of life after the elections. Now they are in the limbo of the blockade, from which nobody knows when we will leave or where. And so there is no way to be a former minister at once, which is something highly valued depending on which board of directors.
The multiple advisers of the ministerial cabinets will rest more calmly than for each survey that came out in the campaign they sent a curriculum. The blockade that came out of the polls serves as a vital extension in their search for work, although the sum of impossible majorities enchants them in an unpredictable temporality. They will not have it easy to explain to the landlord that everything depends on Junts.
The new political cycle after the 23-J elections will be full of uncertainties. So this is going to be a cruciform holiday. When they return, they will have to choose between limbo and chaos, or maybe both at the same time. But precisely for this reason it will be necessary to take a breath, if possible at the seashore. What better time than the holidays to do puzzles.