They denounce the burning of an LGTBI flag in Almáchar (Málaga)
The City Council of Almáchar (Málaga) has denounced an act of vandalism that occurred in the early hours of last Sunday in which one of the flags that commemorated the International LGTBI Pride Day, which hung on a pole at the Forfe viewpoint, was burned.
This was announced by the consistory through a statement, where it condemned “any act of vandalism that violates the freedoms of people”, while it has “deeply regretted seeing how the work carried out by the women of the crochet workshop has finished like this”.
“We cannot remain still, or remain silent in the face of messages like this, we have to continue fighting for a people full of diversity”, they have stated from the town hall. “We want to continue betting on a town without phobias, without rejections or attacks on the LGTBI collective, where everyone loves whoever they want and whatever they want to be,” they added..
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In this way, the Almáchar town hall has indicated in the letter that the Municipal Police is already aware of this act of vandalism “and steps have already begun to locate the alleged perpetrators.”.