They investigate a robbery with explosives at a Cajamar ATM in Almería

The National Police is investigating a robbery with explosives perpetrated this morning at a Cajamar ATM, in Almería, which destroyed the branch, according to sources from the Almería Provincial Police Station..
The events occurred around 5:00 a.m. this Friday in an ATM of the branch located on Mediterranean Avenue in the capital of Almería, next to the CEIP Europe..
The same sources have reported that the technicians specializing in the deactivation of explosive devices (TEDAX) and the Scientific Police are at the scene to collect evidence that will allow them to determine what type of substance has been used, gas or solid explosive such as dynamite, to extract The cashier.
They have also specified that members of the Judicial Police are investigating to locate and arrest the alleged perpetrators of this robbery..
According to the Diario de Almería in its digital edition, the assault “would have involved at least three hooded individuals who used a black BMW 7 series to transport themselves.”.