The month of May usually brings a few cold days, which in the rural world are called the 'Ice Saints', a week in which the last late frosts of the year are collected, which affect, above all, mountain areas.
It has its origin in the Middle Ages and occurs both in Spain and in other European countries, among which Germany and France stand out, although the dates vary.
In Spain, these days usually range between May 11 and 15, thus coinciding with the celebration of San Evelio, San Pancracio and San Isidro Labrador, hence the name 'Santos de Hielo'.
“There is a custom and belief in rural Spain that as of these days the late frosts in our country will end,” says Samuel Biener, Meteored meteorologist, 20minutos.
“In many rural areas of the continent, due to this tradition of the 'Saints', nothing was planted in the garden or the cattle were taken to graze until these days passed.. The tradition or belief that exists is that until these dates have passed, the field is not guaranteed to be free of strong frosts,” he explains.
Tradition does not have to be followed
Even so, this expert recalls that, although this tradition exists, it does not have to be fulfilled: “as we have seen in recent years, on these dates what we have had has been intense heat, as happened in May 2022”.
That is why “it is more and more strange to have large, generalized late frosts”, since “they are becoming more concentrated in the winter months”, as Biener develops, something that he relates to climate change.
“In recent years, the frosts have occurred mainly in April, some in May, but due to climate change this tradition will have to be adapted, because it is not like before.” Also, if they manage to occur in the month of May, they are usually in “specific areas where thermal inversion is favorable,” he points out, thus highlighting mountain areas due to their altitude.
Precisely, this year the forecast will be met, since, in the words of Biener “we are going to have the arrival of a polar air mass that has caused a general temperature drop with heavy rains and some snowfall”, temporary that, the Last year, it was given before Easter.
Traditional methods
In addition, the expert recalls that decades ago, these frosts were “responsible for many catastrophic episodes for the fields and crops, since the flowers, the buds of the trees and the plants have already sprouted.”
For this reason, in the rural world different traditional methods are applied to save production. One of them is to light torches at ground level to “promote air movement and surface temperature”, as this “mitigates” the effect of frost.. This system is widely used in “vineyards in Spain and France”, says the expert.
The second method of note is irrigating crops and trees.. “Although it seems contradictory,” explains Biener, “since there is humidity and frost, the effects of frost are not so damaging.”
It is not a climatic phenomenon
Although the 'Ice Saints' are related to strong frosts, it should be remembered that it is not a climatic phenomenon, but “some calendar dates”, as Mar Gómez, a meteorologist for, assures for 20minutos.
That is why, as they are “dates popularly associated with the celebration of saints”, no “specific records” are collected, nor is there a “meteorological link” about it, since the days vary depending on the weather forecast given. .