Unidas Podemos intensifies its attacks against Juan Roig at Mercadona's 'house', calling him a "capo"

One figure: 5%. It is the stony precipice that delimits falling into the abyss or grabbing the table of salvation. Unidas Podemos starts the electoral campaign going out in defense of its most relevant presence in an autonomous government, that of the Valencian Community, with the obsession of reaching that minimum number of votes to obtain representation in the Cortes and repeat the Botànic Government with the PSOE and commitment. He is also desperately looking for him in the Valencia City Hall, with worse prospects, where he tries to elbow a hole that is narrowed by the socialists and Valencianists.

Being, as the Valencian Community is, a priority objective of the left-wing coalition in this 28-M, for that of enduring its great regional emblem, the main leaders of Podemos and IU have landed in Valencia on this first day of the campaign, with Ione Belarra, Irene Montero and Alberto Garzón at the head, to tighten the ranks of the militancy and to strengthen the perspectives of the regional candidate, Héctor Illueca, who aspires to repeat as second vice president for four more years, and to try to promote the options of the head of the municipal list, Pilar Lima.

In an act in the old food market of Valencia, before some 600 people according to the organization, the leaders of Unidas Podemos have infuriated their attacks against the owner of Mercadona, Juan Roig, against whom they have attacked in his own “home”.. The Minister of Social Rights and Secretary General of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has branded him a mafioso calling him a “capo” and has presumed to tell him on his land.

It is not the first time that the purples have attacked him, but they have used him in the electoral campaign as a trump card to oppose him with his star proposal for these elections, which is the creation of a network of up to a thousand public supermarkets that supply food and products at very low prices. low. Belarra has said that with this they look “in the eyes of the food oligopoly” and that they “dare” to confront them to face them.

Belarra has thrown the gauntlet and the Valencian candidate, Héctor Illueca, has picked it up afterwards to finish off by presenting Roig as a “cacique” who has the “servility of the media” and who has subjected the “Valencian political class”, that he does not dare to stand up to large companies and that he hides in “the controversy” with Roig. What's more, he has tried to ridicule Compromís for asking Podemos to “stop insulting” the owner of Mercadona.

“Housing Flag”

Unidas Podemos has thus boasted of its offer of public supermarkets but, in reality, it arms housing policies as its great asset for 28-M. The left-wing coalition boasts of its fundamental role in dragging the PSOE to approve a law in terms like those that the Senate is about to endorse. “We have felt very alone in this legislature. We have raised the banner of housing on our own”, Belarra pointed out, stripping the PSOE of the interest from which Pedro Sánchez is now also trying to make a profit by chaining measures and more measures on housing.

“Without the seal of United We Can, the housing policies of the PSOE and the PP are very similar to the policies that Banco Santander and Ana Patricia Botín want,” Belarra denounced, who also gave as an example the recent proposal by Sánchez de facilitate the entry of mortgages to young people through a line of credit from the ICO.

Belarra has emphasized that a “clean slate” cannot be made and has called for “remembering” the role of the PSOE throughout the legislature. When Ábalos explained, he said “that housing is a market good” or when “the meetings of the President of the Government with the vulture funds”. “It has been the work of Unidas Podemos”, he stressed, “what has brought us the first Housing Law of democracy”, “that they do not deceive anyone”.

For her part, Irene Montero has defended that Unidas Podemos is “the determining force for progressive governments to continue to exist”, such as that of the Valencian Community. Thus, he has warned that there are now “many forces” on the left defending that there be coalition governments but he has recalled that there was “a very great time” in which only his formation claimed that option. “Not even the PSOE or Compromís,” he stressed.

It was here when he took the opportunity to shoot Joan Baldoví, Illueca's great rival in the spectrum of the left of the PSOE, for his position in the penultimate general elections. “I do not forget that Baldoví first defended a PSOE government with Citizens and then the PSOE alone,” he said.

For all these reasons, the Minister of Equality has defended that only Unidas Podemos is “a guarantee that the right does not rule in this country”, just as only it has the “courage” to “transform” and go all the way in the application of progressive policies. If Unidas Podemos falls back, as all the surveys predict, it has warned that “times of very difficult access to fundamental rights” will come.. Hence, he stressed that “they are not just any elections” and that you have to vote “responsibly.”

Yolanda Diaz and Sumar

In his speech, with parts very focused on the climate emergency, Alberto Garzón wanted to iron out the rough edges with Belarra and Montero, send a message for the future with a view to reconfiguring the space of the alternative left to the PSOE under the leadership of Yolanda Díaz and the umbrella of add. The IU leader, absolutely aligned with Díaz, has expressed his “desire” and “conviction” to “continue working side by side with our colleagues from Podemos for the time that lies ahead of us”. A conciliatory message waiting for the purples and the vice president to settle their differences.

As for the Valencian candidate, Illueca has proposed the creation of public companies “in all strategic sectors” of the economy as the axis of his future in the Generalitat Valenciana. And, among them, that of food, with the implementation of the network of public supermarkets to lower food prices.

Likewise, Illueca has warned that they will apply the Housing Law “until the last consequences” and that they will carry out whatever measures there are to “limit rental prices” and to contain tourist accommodation throughout the Community.

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