Urkullu has the antidote against Bildu: give Sánchez Rajoy's poison

Urkullu was tougher than the PSOE when it came to condemning the fact that Bildu had included murderers on his lists. The lendakari verbalized something that some of us have been denouncing for years. The abertzale left still has a long way to go to be comparable to any other party. They are a legal formation, the members of their lists have already paid for their crimes with the Justice and they are voted for. All this is true, but it is also true that the fact of electing ETA members as representatives is the best proof that they are proud of their candidates' history of terror.
The adjective “bilduetarras” never made more sense. ETA stopped killing, but it is not true that it has disappeared, it has mutated. Zapatero confirmed to us that the deal with the terrorists was for them to lay down their weapons in exchange for entering “the political game.”. There was a police defeat, yes, but also political compensation. At the moment of maximum operational weakness, the ETA members understood that it was more profitable to hand over their weapons. It was great news. Not one more dead. The rule of law won, but now we may lose. They are imposing their narrative.
With Bildu you can, but you should not agree. We must demand that they condemn terrorism, that there are no gunmen on their lists and that Otegi be purged. Why haven’t they done it? Because it is in their DNA, because Bildu was born from the ashes of ETA. I wish those who believe that another nationalist left is possible would step forward. They will not. That is why it is up to the other parties to do it..
Sánchez has made Bildu a fundamental actor for the governability of Spain. He has emboldened them. They have presented key laws such as those of Housing or the misnamed Democratic Memory. Error after error in exchange for staying in the Moncloa. They have been allowed to receive as heroes those who stained the streets of the Basque Country with the blood of their socialist comrades. But there is an opportunity to rectify. Never to do it again. The PSOE has in its hand to return Bildu to ostracism. The “sanchismo” will not allow it.
Nothing is left of that PSOE that agreed with the PP.. Nothing remains of that Patxi López who led so many hopes. The socialists have soon forgotten those brave councilmen who were repudiated in their town for making a pact with the right wing. Then they held their heads high. Today many of them lower their heads. They do not recognize their party. Socialism is today part of the problem, not the solution.
And this is where the PNV comes into play. If not out of conviction, let it be out of political tactics. Bildu is threatening its hegemonic position with the doping of Sanchez. That president that they auparon in a motion of censure that Rajoy was confident of winning until the last second.. They deceived him and he neither forgets nor forgives. He does not want to hear about Feijóo restoring relations with the Basque nationalists, but the PP must do so. If it wants to govern Spain, it urgently needs a project for the Basque Country.
Urkullu once again holds the key. He can strip Sanchez of the majority with which he raised him. The PSOE leader aspires to stay in the Moncloa by reediting Frankenstein. It is time to dismember the monster. The relationship with the president is tense and non-existent. The lendakari shares much more with Feijóo politically and personally. If anything has worked for the PNV, it has been pragmatism..
The hard wing wants to keep winding Sanchez up under the chimera of a homeland, but he will betray them. The nationalist right wing is superfluous in his country project. They were a mere instrument to come to power. There is already another Basque partner in Congress. It was necessary to fatten him up so that he would count more and more in the equation and this was done. If Otegi has to be lendakari for Sanchez to continue as president, he will be. On that day ETA will have won.