Villarejo, about Ferreras: "He is a great professional, although now he denies me like all the Judas"

Juan Manuel Villarejo, former commissioner of the National Police Corps, has attended Congress this Wednesday with a vehement and talkative attitude. Contrary to other occasions, this famous character did not accompany his face with any adornment to appear in a commission of inquiry on the 'Catalonia operation' and other matters of the so-called 'sewers' of the State.
The head in the air, without its characteristic half-sided beret, the eyes without patches and a mouth exposed: no mask. He has shown off that transparency in the same aspect as the unabashed discursive torrent: he introduced jokes in the middle of the questions, he elaborated on his answers, he used sarcasm in the terms…
Nothing in the appearance of this person – who lives in the shadow of the forces of order, with connections in the CNI and the media – has had dark overtones or touches of shame. Villarejo has responded at length since half past six in the afternoon to all those who took the turn and asked questions.
One of them, one of the first, has been Pablo Echenique. The spokesman for Unidas Podemos in the Congress of Deputies has started with an a priori surprising topic: his relationship with two television figures, Antonio García Ferreras and Ana Rosa Quintana. Echenique has asked him about the meetings with the La Sexta journalist and about the papers he published in one of his programs related to an alleged account in the Granadillas islands of the then party leader, Pablo Iglesias.
“Regarding Ferreras, I will tell him that he seems to me a magnificent professional. A man who pretends that he did not know me and with whom I had some meals as people of my interest”, he said, adding: “I clarified to Ferreras that they had deceived him. I don't have a bad opinion of Ferreras, although now he denies me like all the Judas”.
[We can ask the judge to incorporate the audio between Villarejo and Cospedal and those of Ferreras into 'Kitchen']
Ferreras, Echenique replied, “I knew that Granadillas was a lie”. “He says it was very rude. He says that he killed -through the media, of course- Monedero. was not fooled. Gave false information knowing that it was false. Regarding this, I ask you: Do you know who could have manufactured the fake garbage from Granadillas? How is it usual to do these things?” he asked.
And the ironic Villarejo returned: “In all the States of all the governments, and you as a communist will know it, there is a department that is the 'agitprop', agitation and propaganda. You know that at a certain moment the guidelines are established to decide what interests or does not interest. But I insist again: nobody here would put up with a meal or what is spoken in a relaxed way, which often goes out of tune”, he pointed out, since in these talks one sees “pure and hard reality, what it is and what it thinks Spain”.
Villarejo did not have to “defend Ferreras” because “he has not been very affectionate lately”. “And I have told him that he owes me a dinner, that I paid for the last ones”, he has settled, before addressing the next question, about Ana Rosa Quintana and the supposed mediation of the journalist to get some papers that would help her husband, Juan Munoz.
“I've known her since we were single, prehistory!”, he exclaimed, before avoiding whether he was paid 20,000 euros to extort Francisco Urquía, a former judge, with a video accompanied by prostitutes and consuming cocaine. “I see that your lordship has an interest in having me crucified completely. I have no objection to repeating what I said at trial: I do not regret having helped my dear Ana Rosa Quintana. It is not true that they paid me 20,000 euros. It was for the CNI”, has settled.