Vox capitalizes in Aragon on its fourth government agreement before a diluted PP

The signing of the government agreement in Aragon, staged this Friday by PP and Vox, has multiple readings beyond the political “change” that came out of the polls on May 28. The first, in a regional key, is the absence of the future president, Jorge Azcón, in the heading after his intention to govern alone failed.. He previously tried the pact path with Teruel Existe and the PAR, which left him with two of the majority, but Vox's blockade, with its seven, has been stronger. The second, in a national key, is the alliance between the formations of the center to the right, which already accumulate four autonomous coalition governments and a programmatic agreement in the Balearic Islands, in the absence of the resolution of Murcia. And the third, internally, the appropriation of the story of the pacts by the party of Santiago Abascal against the low profile of the popular.

Because while the president of Vox boasted, minutes after signing the alliance, that the program of his formation “will be reasonably included in the policies of Aragon” to “raise dams against the threats of Sánchez and his accomplices”, his counterpart in the PP , Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and his leadership focused on the blockade of the PSOE to a joint government in Ceuta, a controversy that was diluted as interest turned towards Zaragoza, precisely, due to the absence of Azcón. Not a single mention from high places, beyond a tweet from Azcón himself: «We are beginning a new stage. We are advancing to give Aragon a Government of change, to take care of the Aragonese and to put Aragon above all else.

Meanwhile, the left strove again to link Feijóo with “the extreme right”. The PSOE spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, pointed out that the PP “has forever united” its path to Vox and its candidate “has not even shown its face”. Alegría anticipates a line of attack on Feijóo that will return to him throughout the legislature, if, as seems foreseeable, he acts as opposition leader. “They continue to carry out the pacts of shame with Vox where they govern, agreeing to the setback, synchronized and camouflaged,” attacked the Secretary of Organization, Santos Cerdán.

From 23-J, the PP left doubtful about its walk with Vox. Juanma Moreno, the Andalusian baron, was clear in an interview in this newspaper last Sunday, where he asked to look less in “the rear-view mirror on the right”.. The Andalusian and Ayuso, although in another sense, ask for leadership before Vox like the ones they exercise successfully. But the pact in Aragon, far from exhibiting a new firmness, presents the PP diluted. “He has not even shown his face,” Alegría said, to exploit that mantra that the PP lives with a complex about Vox; “ashamed”, in the words of Cerdán.

Sources from Genoa justified that “the PP leaderships in each territory have autonomy to seek the best governance agreements for their regions”, as has happened in Aragon, Extremadura, the Valencian Community or Castilla y León – this more than a year ago, just upon the arrival of Feijóo to the Presidency-. And, certainly, in each place it has developed in a different way. Hurried in Valencia, ordeal back in Extremadura and frustration in Aragon, where what arithmetic had denied was promised.

Definitive governments of the CCAAs

They have also been different in public expression. In all of them, with the exception of yesterday, the party leaders were present at the final moment. María Guardiola from Extremadura did it, despite the previous controversy; Alfonso Fernández Mañueco did it in Castilla y León and the Valencian Carlos Mazón did it, who did not appear in the heading but was at the meeting from which the agreement came out. The last image of Azcón with the regional leader of Vox, Alejandro Nolasco, dates from June 13, during the round of contacts.

The popular spokesperson, Ana Alós, assured in the press conference after the signing, that in Aragon “what has been done in other autonomous communities such as the Balearic Islands” has been done.. But there, the radical right party is not within the government.

Sources close to the Aragonese president do not give importance to this factor and defend that it means placing their leader “above”, equating his spokesman with a vice president.. “You can think whatever, but in the government the one in charge is the president,” say the same sources, who assess that the agreement is “better” than those of Mañueco and Mazón, because Vox has fewer ministries. But the ideological burden is greater, even higher than that of the Balearic Islands, where it was signed without Vox being able to control it from within.. «They are areas where the ideological battle cannot be waged, of pure management. It is a measured agreement, where they command little and their vice presidency is three united general directorates, ”say PP sources consulted by EL MUNDO.

In the popular part, within this agreement, it is also valued positively that Vox “accepts the term macho violence”, which appears twice -as intra-family violence, a terminology defended by those of Abascal- and that the president will appoint the general director of the Institute of Women to Marifé Antoñanzas, until now councilor for Equality of Citizens in the Zaragoza City Council that Azcón directed, to give a “pedigree” to an area that may come into conflict with his partner. “Vox has to land in reality and it will be seen that they are not capable of imposing their agenda because we are not going to give in even once,” remark sources from the PP of Aragon, who insist on a leadership that they did not display in public yesterday. They also add that a red line was placed on the transfer of the Ebro, which Vox had in its program, even threatening to repeat the elections.

It does promise to repeal the Autonomous Democratic Memory Law; reform the Trans-autonomous Law; suppress the General Directorate of Language Policy and eliminate all aid in this matter to non-profit entities or provide direct aid to farmers and ranchers against drought, in a wink to attract support from the PAR.

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