Vox flees from its internal crisis with a judicial and street offensive

SPAIN / By Carmen Gomaro

The first invoices that the wear and tear of governing have left in Vox's mailbox try to be sent within the party as current expenses. The strategy of Santiago Abascal's team involves minimizing the ideological clash with its coalition partners in Gijón that has left them out of the City Council just four months after its constitution and the scope of the resignation of its only counselor in Extremadura after 75 days of his inauguration while giving greater power to his political speaker in a national key. On two grounds.

The first, the judicial one, where he will expand his 2022 complaint – which was not admitted for processing in the Supreme Court – for the preparatory acts of an alleged “crime of conspiracy for rebellion” of which, in addition to the acting president, Pedro Sánchez, and the vice president Yolanda Díaz now also accuses the leader of Junts, Carles Puigdemont, and the general secretary of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi. And also in the citizen protest against a possible reissue of the coalition at the head of La Moncloa making a “call for permanent mobilization in the street.”

“We are facing the most corrupt government in recent history (…), a government willing to amnesty criminals who have not repented and who are willing to do it again and to pardon convicted thief party colleagues,” Ignacio warned this Monday. Garriga, general secretary of Vox, anticipating concessions to the pro-independence parties in exchange for their support for the investiture and the beginning of the processing of pardons for those convicted in the ERE case in Andalusia.

While they warn about the “very serious moment” that Spain is experiencing in the face of “a possible amnesty, a referendum [on independence in Catalonia] and the blackmail of the separatists”, at the Bambú headquarters they downplay the importance of their first expulsion from an institution. Its only councilor in the Gijón City Council, responsible for the Celebrations portfolio, was expelled last week by the mayor, Carmen Moriyón, of Foro Asturias, to avoid “ideological biases” after the mayor had unilaterally decided to apply changes to the municipality's International Film Festival.

“What we said in the electoral campaign and what we signed, we are going to carry out under whatever conditions, but we are going to continue defending the interests of our compatriots there despite the fact that some are more concerned about continuing to be transmission belts for the agendas of the left,” Garriga settled this Monday in implicit criticism of the party that will continue to govern with the support of the PP but without a majority.

At Vox, they also classify within the category of “natural” relief the replacement of their advisor in Extremadura, who was not affiliated with the party and who has resigned due to internal discrepancies with the management for not having freedom of action.. In this case, the general secretary yesterday limited himself to wishing “all the luck and all the successes” to Ignacio Higuero, who has replaced Camino Limia as head of Forest Management and Rural World two and a half months after his incorporation to the Executive of the popular María Guardiola, and to reaffirm their commitment to “the rural people who for so many decades had been forgotten.”

In Abascal's party they also reject comparisons with Podemos due to their relationship with the media after having publicly disagreed with published information about their internal problems, such as the replacement of the manager, Juanjo Aizcorbe.. “We could never even remotely resemble someone who launders terrorists, releases rapists, sides with the Islamist terrorists of Hamas, is willing to break the unity of the nation and are partners in drug dictatorships, real criminals.” manifestos,” Garriga warned.