Vox sends the first warning to Carlos Mazón: it now dares to demand even political heads from him

The pairing of the PP and Vox in the Valencian Community already coexists against its own destiny. The cemetery is full of broken coalitions, alliances that were born as single governments and political marriages that ended up fertilized by distrust.. It takes more or less time, but exceptions are not the rule. That those of Santiago Abascal need to maintain the electoral pull in the Valencian plaza, they know it well on Bambú Street. Valencia is the pretty girl of territorial agreements. It was the first of the pacts after 28M. The most 'cultural' and symbolic, with its bullfighter as its flag raised to the department of the branch willing to dismantle the “progressive dictatorship” and demolish from its very foundations the deviations of the left, morally and politically.

The party dynamited in the Balearic Islands, disappeared in Andalusia or Madrid, with the harakiri of Ortega Smith and the embrace of the Ayusista bear, and the vice president of Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardo, turned into a caricature of himself, Vox does not care There are many more feuds than the Valencian in which to be noticed beyond the national ring. And this, sooner or later, will strain the seams of the pact with Carlos Mazón's popular party..

The Botanic was also built “bombproof” (Oltra dixit) and ended up like the rosary of the dawn. The thesis that each outburst from his partners was an opportunity for Ximo Puig to mark distance and narrow spaces towards the desired political center inspired seasoned columnists eager to find arguments with which to please the president, who even came to believe them. deeply. Now similar analyzes are being read again, ignoring that there is no better recipe than domestication.

The now amortized socialist baron, awaiting his destination in Paris, channeled as best he could the plan to reduce the speech of the coalition allies to the tedious and invisible routine of daily management. Until Pablo Iglesias arrived from Madrid and ordered a stop. The purple vice president Rubén Martínez Dalmau, delighted to step on carpet and allergic to conflict, was forced to step aside to hand over the baton to Héctor Illueca, Pablo's friend. Illueca landed from the ministry of Yolanda Díaz with his status as a Labor inspector and his aura as an organic intellectual of the new and true left and ended up continually calling Juan Roig a “ruthless capitalist” along with other rather unfortunate anti-establishment diatribes. Badly advised by the Canal Red agitator, convinced that this was going to give him some electoral revenue, we know what the consequence was: Podemos sank into electoral misery and Ximo Puig grew, yes, but not enough to compensate for the fall of the allies.

The distrust generated in a part of the electorate by the political immaturity on the part of the Botànic is not the factor that explains the entire political turnaround on May 28. But it influenced. The reality is that despite cultivating the image of moderation, Puig never managed to shake off the perception of being tied to the ideas of his cabinet neighbors, which became increasingly sharper as the legislature progressed.. For the average citizen, for the broad-brush consumer, oblivious to the micropolitics of the hallways and the fine print of the opinion sections, the discrepancies were parts of the same whole..

Not everything has to be the same in the case of PP and Vox. The right is much more given to order and discipline in its domestic affairs. Outwards, all at once. But history tends to repeat itself, first as a tragedy, then as a farce, said Karl Marx, as brilliant in his diagnoses as he was erratic in his solutions.. It must be read as a farce or mere pantomime that the Valencian vice president and Minister of Culture, Vicente Barrera (Vox), gave his first press conference of the year and the second term in office to question the pro-LGTBI rights campaign launched by the Vice Presidency and Ministry of Equality. the popular, Susana Camarero, strong woman in the Consell of Carlos Mazón. Everything was discussed beforehand, damage control was refined and Barrera was able to fulfill, without too many disagreements, the task of “establishing a political position” of his own.. It is the message he received a few days before, when he was released in the new national executive of Vox, designed to further honor the verticality in the leadership of Abascal and his new court (Ignacio Garriga, Jorge Buxadé…).

Now they may seem like agreed upon differences, floral games, ballroom fencing.. But there are signs. Vox has already dared to claim the head of one of Mazón's media and transversal signings for the second step of its Consell, that of María José Mira, who was first on the list without a PSPV card in the 2015 regional elections for Valencia, regional secretary of the Ministry of Finance and commissioned by Ximo Puig for special missions (from managing purchases in a pandemic to laying the administrative carpet for the Volkswagen gigafactory).

With command in the Generalitat, Mira picked up the phone so that her colleagues in the PSOE could take a friend with a broken ankle off a mountain path.. They even sent him a helicopter. She maintains that the steep location and the injury required it, but the Anti-Fraud Agency sees an abusive use of public resources. That the same people who helped her could be investigated by the Prosecutor's Office and are being pointed out by the popular themselves seems reason enough to wonder why Mira has not yet delivered the resignation letter, even if it were out of empathy with those who cared so much for her friend and They gave the first opportunity to get into the official car that he clings to so much. There is life beyond the public payroll. Mazón has the last word, and it is logical that he does not want to look like a bad human resources recruiter, but there is termination at his own request. With gratitude for the services provided.

“We don't like that this lady continues here,” the Vox spokesperson, José María Llanos, dared to verbalize in a notice from which few readings have been made, but which carries depth due to its initiatory nature.. Keeping the many distances in the moral category between one case and another, the ultra-conservatives, who in their day denounced in the Valencian Cortes the supposed favorable treatment of the helicopter via David García (today in Madrid and next to Abascal), still remember of Mazón's forceful guillotine blow to Luis Manuel Martín, short-lived Undersecretary of Justice until his conviction for mistreatment of his wife was revealed. Another success in the casting of Montserrat Lluís.

It is only a matter of time before Vox raises its tone, fighting for its spaces and looking for reasons to be noticed, as the municipal spokesperson, Juan Manuel Badenas, has done from day one in his cohabitation with the mayor of Valencia, María José Catalá.. Another thing is that the three well-placed councilors in the regional Executive, refractory to public conflict for reasons of character and tamed by Mazón's strategy of raining daily hugs (the first, Vicente Barrera), agree to be advance guards in that battle for survival in 2027. If it turns out that this is not the case, perhaps we will enter a new scenario: that of another civil war in Vox more or less exposed to the public.. It wouldn't be the first. Ask Ignacio Gil Lázaro.

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