Where do I have to vote in the 2023 general elections? How to consult the electoral college and know the table

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Everything ready for the appointment of the polls with the citizens that will be held this Sunday, July 23, on the occasion of the general elections. In these elections, the one who will be the new president of the Government for the next four years will be elected. Although the majority of Spaniards are already prepared to go, doubts about the polling station or polling station to attend or its opening hours do not cease to arise..
To vote, you must bring your ID or any official supporting document that includes a photograph, but in no case will a photocopy be valid. Once the votes have been deposited, the presidents of the polling stations will announce the end of the vote and the ballots will be scrutinized, extracting the envelopes one by one.. To find out where and how to go to vote, the fundamental aspects that we must consider when attending are explained below.
The right to vote will be exercised, in person, at the polling stations that will open their doors from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.. If it is later, you can also vote if there are still people inside the site, although it is recommended not to rush to the maximum to avoid any inconvenience or misunderstanding. The presidents and members of the tables must go before and, as is logical, they will leave later, after finishing with the counting of the votes.
How to know where to vote
To find out which is the corresponding electoral college, there is a very simple way: you only have to look at the census letter that all citizens will have received at home, where the electoral college and the corresponding table where you have to vote are indicated.. The procedure can also be resolved by telephone through the provincial delegations and the Electoral Census Office on the free telephone number 900 343 232, available from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., and which will have extended hours on election day.
If you do not have this envelope or do not want to make the consultation by phone, there are alternatives available on the Internet. The voter must enter the website of the National Institute of Statistics, identify himself through the electronic DNI or the Cl@ve PIN system and enter several of his personal data: province, initial of the first surname, address of the house where he is registered and municipality. With these data, the server will quickly indicate which location and polling station you should go to.
In addition, some municipalities such as Madrid have recently enabled an electoral census search engine on their web pages.. In this way, citizens registered in the capital can access the consultation in a very similar way to the INE, identifying themselves and entering their ID, name and date of birth. Finally, it should be remembered that those voters who have requested to vote by mail will no longer be able to go to the polling station in person on July 23.