After the rain of polls, analysts agree on a single conclusion: the center-right voter is much more mobilized than the left, and therein lies the key to the campaign. It is estimated, according to Sigma Dos, that more than 20% of the voters of the PSOE are debating whether to go to the polls or dedicate themselves to other tasks. The core of the electoral dispute rests on that fifth of the socialist vote.
The PSOE seeks to activate his own (“the tension suits him”, as Zapatero would say to Gabilondo), while Feijóo (Ayuso is not clear to me) pursues just the opposite. The opposition leader wants a white glove campaign, aware that his voters are more motivated to go to the polls, in order to avoid 'annoying' the left-wing citizen who would never support him, but who today doubts whether stay at home on 28-M or not.
In this context, the unusual episode of May 2 is justified, when Bolaños inexplicably insisted on going up to the rostrum of authorities despite not being invited; and Feijóo's discomfort after the scuffle with the minister, since he would have preferred a merely institutional act without more circuses.
The question is to what extent to demobilize that socialist who would never vote for the PP, but without going overboard…. In the medium term is virtue. The challenge is to find it. Twelve autonomies and all the town halls are at stake. The D'Hont system, by which parties that do not reach a minimum of votes are discarded, can cause a change of balance in an election in which Sánchez and Feijóo play it without being candidates. the campaign arrives. Nothing is written. On 28-M, we will see.