Why doesn't the Virgin appear on the street?

SPAIN / By Cruz Ramiro

Juan Luis Cano is right when he maintains that the Virgin never appears on the surface, at street level, on land, on solid ground. He has studied the phenomenon of Marian miracles to document his latest novel Yo fui santa, and the case of El Escorial fully agrees with him.. Also there, in the miraculous area of Prado Nuevo, the mother of Christ appeared in the top of a tree, an ash tree.. That is why the parishioners surround and cordon it off in a gesture of piety and idolatry that contains at the same time the ancient pagan devotion to the tree itself..

And Juan Luis Cano is right when he emphasizes the tendency of the Virgin to climb. A tree is worth as much as a cliff. Since you appear, it is better to do it in a position of relevance, where the miracle is more evident, just like the false San Dimas in Los jueves, milagro de Berlanga.

It is rigor, the Virgin does not rise or ascend in her apparitions. What it does is descend. It proceeds and comes from the heavens. Landing would be an exercise in prosaism. Too much dust and humanity.

I recommend reading Yo fui santa (Menoscuarto editorial) for its literary substance and its irony, although Juan Luis Cano's novel also serves as an orientation manual to understand the phenomenon of fanaticism that has been consolidated in the suburbs of Prado Nuevo.

I have been tempted to access the miracle site many times —a crossing point on the motorbike route to Cruz Verde—, but I did not do so until last weekend, perhaps suggested by reading Yo fui santa y disponido a comparar the casuistic similarity of the Marian apparitions.

I bring my own authority on the matter because I have been in Fatima, Lourdes and Medjugorje. Being does not mean believing. It means having disciplined myself to the tasks of a correspondent in Rome, including the trips of John Paul II to the most popular places of apparitions..

It is impressive to visit them because the supernatural expectations, the pious atmosphere, suffer from business and commercial desecration. Christ would drive out the merchants with the whip. Also, probably, he would be suspicious of the credulity with which the faithful of Prado Nuevo travel and pray.

The area where the Virgin appeared to Luz Amparo on June 14, 1981 has been growing among parishioners and tourists of the faith.. It was the beginning of an unusual bilateral bond that lasted 375 times longer. It would be said that the Virgin appeared to him by routine, as if she had nothing else to do.

Juan Luis Cano tells us in Yo fui santa that the Church reacts in a similar way when paranormal phenomena occur. They are first rejected. Then he condescends with them. And finally they are approved, especially when the influx of the faithful and the hysteria of the masses exceed any scope of normative regulation..

It has happened in Prado Nuevo. The same cardinal who initially abjured the word and the testimony of Luz Amparo, Monsignor Rouco Varela, promoted the construction of the adoration chapel in 2012.

The secular forces and the Justice intervened to demolish it eight years later because it was an abusive building, but the judicial punishment is not enough to neutralize the proliferation of faithful or the massive congregation of Marian devotees in the vicinity of the sacred ash tree, on the itinerary Via Crucis and in the tomb of Luz Amparo Cuevas.

The visionary passed away in August 2012 in praise of holiness. And he left behind a supernatural message that the Virgin conveyed to him three decades earlier. We expected a little more from such a relevant phenomenon. The text is disappointing in its purposes and even in its language: “I am the Sorrowful Virgin. I want a chapel to be built in this place in honor of my name; that the passion of my Son, which is very forgotten, come to meditate from anywhere in the world. If you do what I say, the water from this spring will heal. Everyone who comes here to pray the Holy Rosary daily will be blessed by me. Many will be marked with a cross on their foreheads. Do penance. pray”. Miracles in exchange for faith. Holy water as an attraction to the disbelievers. The faithful of Prado Nuevo highlight the pure atmosphere of the holy place, but my impression has been rather the opposite. And neither the security cameras in the trees nor the megalomania that identifies the tomb of Luz Amparo help to dispel doubts.