Why the PSOE's trolling of Compromís can bring surprises in the PGE

There are many voices in Compromís that periodically wonder what the political confederation agreement with Sumar is for.. An affiliate of the Valencian coalition looks in the mirror of ERC, the PNV, the BNG and even the Canarian Coalition and his face looks like a tolai. What if a custom-made reduction of the FLA's debt, passing through the criterion of underfinancing, what if the transfer of the management of Social Security… Of all the allies of the PSOE for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government , the oranges, integrated into Yolanda Díaz's brand in the general elections, were the only ones left without their own pact. The deputy secretary and socialist negotiator, María Jesús Montero, even took a photo in November of last year with Ana Pontón, leader of the Galician nationalists, who won a solitary deputy in the June 23 meeting.. The deputy for Valencia, Àgueda Micó, had to observe from a second plan the staging of the government pact between PSOE and Sumar initialed in October.
In those elections, Compromís managed to double its representation in the Lower House. But of course, as before only the Joan Baldoví shirt was fighting, doubling (going from one deputy to two) is the minimum that could be demanded of the alliance with Sumar. Because that is the little that, for now, the Valencians have learned from that entente. The third of the four minutes obtained in the general elections went to Txema Guijarro, from Podemos. The fourth was for Nahuel González, in the orbit of Esquerra Unida-IU.
The agreement had two political objectives. Raise the options of improving results in a state-level contest, where Compromís has more waterways in voting loyalty than the Titanic in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, and close the door to the expansion of Sumar in the Valencian Community, arrogating the exclusive of its representation.
We will have to see what the latter turns out to be, because Guijarro already launched the first campaign last December suggesting an upcoming implementation of Sumar in Levantine lands, airing no small amount of dust in the compromising ranks, always in turmoil and in the midst of a process of reinvention, both politically as well as in its internal balance (read this Sunday's article by Joan Ribó and Manuel Álcaraz in Levante-EMV). Pay attention to the success or failure of Yolanda Díaz's party this February in Galicia, where the BNG is even stronger than Compromís, because it can show or blind a path to the dispersed forces of podemitas, esquerraunitaristas and even members of the Initiative of the Poble Valencià, the party founded by Mónica Oltra, now far from the decision-making core of Compromís.
This succession of antecedents is intended to explain the perception of invisibility that the role of Compromís is having in a legislature marked, precisely, by the absence of majorities and the dependence of the Sánchez-Díaz tandem on nationalist formations or with a strong identity and implantation component. autonomous. This circumstance is being especially pointed out by the most sovereignist sectors of the coalition to demand a change of course, even though electoral history has empirically demonstrated that the taronja brand grows when it adopts a social discourse (that was precisely the contribution of the Initiative of Contrary to the invention) and decreases when it enters the melancholic loop of nationalist essences.
In any case, it is evident that Compromís is not knowing how to take advantage of the state political situation as if other formations of a similar nature are doing so.. And it is not because the agreement with Sumar is poorly designed, but rather because of the constant trolling that the PSOE subjects the Valencians to, usually in the face of the indifference or lack of empathy of those from Díaz and the confusion of Micó and his fellow seat, Alberto Ibanez. They look like two stunned deputies without the ability to react. They are paying a lot for their inexperience.
The approval by the Council of Ministers of the expansion of the Port of Valencia or the exclusion of the recovery of Valencian civil law from the window of opportunity represented by the reform of article 49 of the Constitution are two notches of that indifference.. But the most significant episode, and one that could mark a turning point with future consequences, has been the impudence with which the Minister of Finance has cleared the corner of the leveling fund for underfinanced autonomies that Compromís has been demanding for years as a temporary solution. until the reform of the system, and which has now been enthusiastically joined by the popular baron, Carlos Mazón, along with his compadres Juanma Moreno and Fernando López Miras, with a fourth guest at the protest party, the socialist Emiliano García-Page. Subsection: How quickly the water wars and the Tajo-Segura transfer are forgotten when it is time to take an anti-sanchista approach!
In the negotiation of the PSOE-Sumar pact, Compromís emerged convinced that if the political text reflects, black on white, that the Generalitat Valenciana and the rest of the underfinanced autonomous communities will be guaranteed the provision of public services at the same level as the rest of the State”, that was synonymous with the equalization fund. But Montero never interpreted that. “There was no agreement in that regard,” he noted this week. Rather, what the Minister of Finance understands, like those rogues on the Benidorm promenade who show the ball on a cardboard box to unsuspecting tourists and then hide it, is that the syntactic construction does not say anything other than that you need money will be able to continue drawing on the FLA, with the consequent increase in its debt and interest costs. Trolley o trile, elija su own adventure.
The pitcher goes so far into the fountain that it usually ends up breaking and Àgueda Micó has already warned that without a leveling fund there will be no support from the two Compromís deputies for the PGE. He also said it for Sánchez's investiture and at the end they snuck in the magic phrase. The Valencians threaten, but never break, for fear of being left out of the progressive bloc and seeing themselves in the photo of the negative vote of PP and Vox. What happens is that it's one thing to go into unconditional antifa mode and another to make a political fool of yourself or be taken for the watchman's dick. Perhaps the two votes of the Valencians are not necessary for Montero's sudoku and the bluff ends in irrelevance. That is the risk for those from Micó and Baldoví. But, for their own political survival, it is very likely that the time has come for them to check it out.