The puzzle of fifteen parties has been very difficult for Yolanda Díaz to put together, but the development of her electoral program is not far behind. Different forces aligned with the vice president and professionals who participated in the drafting of the first ideas acknowledge that they are going “much more slowly” than they would like, despite the fact that the calendar is pressing. They affirm that “in the next few days” it will be opened to the participation of the parties, although some such as Compromís or the common ones have their own recipes. The bulk of the energies have been concentrated in the negotiations on economic resources and distributions in the lists and Sumar hurried until Monday, the day on which the legal term to present the candidacies expired, to consider some of the names closed..
The program as a whole, they point out, will hardly be ready before the middle or end of next week. Until now, Díaz and the Sumar spokespersons have been shelling out announcements, specific pills about their recipes, mainly in matters of labor, economic and fiscal policies, which, in addition, are the most outlined by the second vice president and Minister of Labor due to her experience in government.
Along these lines is his proposal to reduce the working day by law to 37.5 hours in 2024, and to continue reducing it, progressively, to 32 hours.. That the commons reaffirmed their commitment to the self-determination referendum, on Thursday, was considered by Sumar as a “confusion”, a misinterpretation by the media, and they reiterated that Ada Colau's party had not moved from its 2019 positions. However, the 2021 program of the commons continued to bet on a referendum, and today the line is more diffuse. It goes through respecting an agreement -generally- that arises from the dialogue table, which will not meet again if they revalidate the Government. It was a blow to the formation, in a campaign in which Díaz wants to talk about the tangible, about the politics that affect the day to day.
Sources close to the vice president affirm that the uses of time, the cost of living, feminism and the ecological crisis will be fundamental axes of her campaign for the general elections on 23-J. Although all the concrete measures in these matters are not closed either; The period for contributions from militants closed on June 5, and when they projected their calendar, they counted on having time to deliberate, review, extract or expand their proposals, but today times are different. María Eugenia Rodríguez Palop, responsible for the program, coordinates the work to extract the documents and to make the measures “clearer”. Neither Díaz nor the rest of the spokespersons will give wings to the “cultural war” that Podemos has always demanded of them, at least, explicitly, and they will focus on selling the policies already promoted, such as the increases in the SMI or the labor reform, and , above all, those who want to develop.
The leader of Sumar, in addition, has already entered the campaign against the PSOE, with Pedro Sánchez and Nadia Calviño in her target. On Thursday, in Santander, he charged against the PSOE proposal to link the SMI to the average salary by law: on the one hand, he defended the framework of social dialogue and, on the other, he affirmed that the “PSOE candidate has fallen short” with your proposal. On Tuesday, he reproached Sánchez for his criticism of Irene Montero's feminism — “Be careful what we say” — and charged against the first vice president and nemesis of his political space since the start of the legislature. Gone are the times of the electoral ticket with the head of the Executive, who tries to concentrate all the useful vote in his party, remove the political oxygen from the formation. Díaz is the main member of the Government identified with the rise in the SMI, the labor reform or the search for new recipes to make mortgages and the shopping basket cheaper, and she is using it.
Beyond his plan to make the tax on large fortunes permanent, or to increase the corporate tax, Sumar has proposed an emergency bonus of 1,000 euros per household with a variable mortgage, to be paid by the bank, to help families to alleviate the blow from the rise in interest rates. The breakdown of this measure was carried out on Wednesday by Díaz's economic guru, Carlos Martín, number six on the lists for Congress for Madrid and until now the CCOO's economic manager.. Martín made this announcement during an interview in La Sexta, days after he began to launch small details, added to the trickle of transfers for his campaign.
On Tuesday, Díaz proposed that the working day end at 6:00 p.m., in addition to promising the self-employed “the same rights and protection” that other workers already enjoy. On Friday, the vice president extended in an official act on the importance of making the working day more flexible and reducing, using for this a study sponsored by the ministry, the germ of the frustrated law on the use of time and the rationalization of hours, which was not will see this legislature reflected in any regulation.
In recent months, in parallel to his tour of Spain, dozens of experts have contributed to drafting 35 thematic documents that support his “country project”, and which are a starting point for developing the program. Some, such as the one that refers to feminism, in theory one of the axes of the campaign, barely include generic proposals, such as a State pact for care. For this reason, from the vice president's team they recognize that now it is time to secure positions with “the costs of living, mortgages and the economy”, some of the matters that have worked the most, while they close the global document.
For now, Díaz launched the candidacies for 23-J on Wednesday in a rather unusual format; with the heads of the list and the number two in almost all the constituencies present —Alberto Rodríguez, former purple leader, was not there, and the number three of Más Madrid was there—, but without mentioning their names, and without any of them, women in his majority, will take the floor. There were photos, a walk, and a speech of just over five minutes in which Díaz boasted of having the best, united despite their respective political “cards”, without giving details..
The image of unity was the most important thing in the act. Sumar brought together some of the candidates of Más Madrid, common or Podemos, who have contracted a kind of forced marriage after years of division, and after weeks of attacks by the purple. None of Díaz's allies have forgotten the vetoes, exclusions and more or less forced casualties that they have had to assume during 21 days of tough negotiations, since the electoral advance, but now they strive to sell that they are all going out in one. In the center, on both sides of Díaz, Aina Vidal, number one for Barcelona, and Tesh Sidi, number three for Madrid, representing two of their great allies, the commons and Más Madrid.
The signings of Álvarez and Jacinto do not like Podemos
In recent weeks, except to denounce the veto of Irene Montero, Podemos has lowered its public profile as a party to the maximum, to the point of almost erasing itself from the map, leaving Díaz all the prominence. Behind the scenes, yes, the signings of Nacho Álvarez and Alejandra Jacinto as spokespersons for Sumar's Economy and Housing have bothered. In the case of the former, the economic brain of Podemos, his role is limited, for the moment, to the campaign period. And both maintain their positions in the purple party. That has not prevented there being voices expressing their disagreement with the executive on Monday, according to sources from Ione Belarra's party..
The purples will carry out a new act of their own on Saturday, for the right to housing, with the participation of Belarra herself and Jacinto, to mark their own profile. Irene Montero, who this week once again had a public agenda as minister, will not share the stage with them. His future political role has been subordinated to the results of Sumar on 23-J. The tension and anger with Díaz have not disappeared, but this week the former vice president and purple historical leader, Pablo Iglesias, warned that he will not criticize the formation or its leader in the middle of the electoral cycle. That Díaz denied on Tuesday that there was a veto against Montero also angered them, but, for now, they affirm that they are determined to keep their forms.