Yolanda Díaz resumes the construction of her “country project” through Sumar despite interference and criticism from various parties in the space. The second vice president of the acting Government this Saturday demanded “serenity” from her people with the aim of, once the failed investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo passed, to work on the formation of a new left-wing Executive.
Díaz's claim was not coincidental, since the pressure from Podemos and Izquierda Unida, which demand greater weight in organic decision-making, has increased in recent days. Early this Saturday, Pablo Iglesias accused the second vice president of “destroying Unidas Podemos” and cornering the parties that make it up.
“He has ignored the primaries and the mechanisms of internal democracy, he has despised the parties to finally form a party and he has obtained a mediocre electoral result,” the former Podemos leader accused Díaz.
Some words that Díaz ignores and, in a veiled way, discredits by boasting that thanks to the results obtained on June 23, the left can once again articulate a new mandate in La Moncloa. “Sumar has more future than ever,” stressed the leader of the space to harangue her people and put aside the accusations coming from the two main parties that make up the conglomerate.
The internal tension reached a new level this Friday, when IU, which to date had kept a low profile in its requests to Díaz, demanded to “democratize” decision-making in Sumar.. In this sense, Alberto Garzón himself, federal coordinator of IU, admitted that the campaign spokespersons “were appointed without dialogue” and that those of Congress were distributed “unilaterally”, without taking into account all the voices in the space.
However, it seems that Díaz does not enter this battle. At an event held in Madrid this Saturday in order to resume internal work at Sumar after the electoral and summer break, the second vice president asked her people for “proposals, serenity and common sense” to face the coming weeks, keys to training of a new left-wing government.
Likewise, he called for lowering the decibels and, without citing any specific politician or party, he demanded to focus efforts on improving people's lives: “Politics cannot be a problem,” he considered.