Yolanda Díaz signs Agustín Santos Maraver, ambassador of Spain to the UN, as 'number two' for 23-J

Yolanda Díaz has signed Agustín Santos Maraver, who currently serves as Spain's ambassador to the UN, as number two of the Sumar candidacy for Madrid, according to the Ser and later confirmed official sources of Sumar.

With this movement, the Vice President of the Government places an independent profile in one of the key positions of the candidacy to promote two things. On the one hand, the inclusion of people outside political organizations, to widen the space and the idea that Sumar has an important part of the citizen movement. The other, that figures with proven experience and management join his team.

Santos Maraver (Los Angeles, USA, 1955) responds to this, a person close to the PSOE who has been in the Spanish diplomatic career since 1982 and who was also head of the Cabinet of Miguel Ángel Moratinos, one of the most prominent foreign ministers. of the stage of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as president.

To know more
The panel. The war in Sumar drives the PSOE while the PP already reaches 145 deputies

The war in Sumar drives the PSOE while the PP already reaches 145 deputies

Santos Maraver has held the position of permanent representative ambassador of Spain to the United Nations in New York since 2018. Previously, he was Consul General of Spain in Cape Town and Perpignan and has held positions in various destinations, such as Washington DC, Beijing, Canberra, Brussels and Havana.. In addition to being a diplomat, he has a degree in Philosophy and Letters and in Political Science and Sociology from the Complutense University of Madrid.

With the inclusion of Santos Maraver one of the great unknowns of the candidacy for Madrid is cleared up, although there are still many more to know, both there and in other constituencies headed by Sumar. The Madrid list right now would be in this order: Yolanda Díaz (Sumar), Agustín Santos Maraver (independent), the Saharawi activist Tesh Sidi (Más Madrid), Íñigo Errejón (Más Madrid-Más País) and Ione Belarra (Podemos). The sixth and eighth place are for Sumar, the seventh and tenth are for Más Madrid and the ninth is for IU, which has not yet confirmed its name.

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