A 35-year-old woman has died in the American state of Indiana after drinking too much water, as various international media have reported, since she ingested 2 liters, the approximate amount that should be drunk in a day, in just 20 minutes.

Ashley Summers died after spending the last weekend of July with her husband and daughters at Freeman Lake. On the last day of the trip, he began to feel unwell and show signs of dehydration, but despite the enormous amounts of water he drank, he could not quench his thirst.. Summers drank a total of four 500ml bottles.

When the woman returned home, she lost consciousness in her garage and never recovered.. The Daily Mail newspaper reports that the young woman suffered “severe brain swelling”.

Health services discovered that the woman had hyponatremia, a disorder in which the concentration of sodium in the blood is too low, with excess water in the body.