General, lover, emperor… The different faces of Julius Caesar are revealed these days in an exhibition inaugurated at the H'ART Museum in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. With the name 'I arrived, I saw and I found my destiny' this exhibition reveals a different chapter in the lives of some of the most relevant figures in History.
Visitors can experience, from this Saturday, September 16, until Monday, May 20, 2024, the secrets of Julius Caesar through a collection of almost 150 historical objects, each one contributing information to an existence full of lights and shadows .
In this way, the exhibition covers the life and times of the Roman emperor, tracing his famous rise from a simple citizen to becoming a great general.
The H'ART Museum's retrospective on Julius Caesar is told in nine scenes, beginning with the creation of myths that shaped the image we have of him today. From his career, from brilliant politician to consul of Rome, to his alliance (and romance) with Cleopatra.
Thus, the visitor enters a different and darker world, that of Caesar's war in Gaul, which illustrates his career as an army general and delves into what are now known as the “war crimes” that could have occurred. task.
In addition, it shows its relationship with the Netherlands, analyzing whether Caesar's troops could have fought on Dutch soil, something particularly relevant for this exhibition in Amsterdam.
In another room, the exhibition recreates the scenes and sights that Julius Caesar may have experienced thousands of years ago in Rome. Likewise, it also focuses on Cleopatra and Egypt: a strategic and political issue or a true love story?
On the other hand, it tells how Caesar's assassination is unraveled as a plot, from the omens of doom to his infamous fall and murder.. Then he moves on to Caesar's successor: Augustus.
Finally, there is a look at his legacy and a final scene in which Caesar's character and a summary of his actions are written down so that visitors can render their final verdicts.
“As you journey through these artifacts, you will untangle the myths to get closer to the reality of Julius Caesar's victory and rule, its high points and its dark sides,” the museum notes on its website. “We want you to ultimately decide for yourself, in today's world, who he is to you,” he adds.