UFOs, sightings, alien bodies…. The largest opening of declassified documents in the history of the United States has led a subcommittee of Congress to ask the Government this Wednesday to report the data it has on these objects after hearing the statement of former members of the army who claim to have seen them and who also they say the authorities keep evidence of them.
Specifically, the testimony of David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer who stated that the authorities are in possession of both spacecraft of extraterrestrial origin and the biological remains of their occupants, has drawn attention.
Grusch also pointed out that the United States has a program to study the alleged extraterrestrial technology and try to reproduce it through so-called reverse engineering..
The former intelligence officer, who on numerous occasions refused to provide specific details when asked by congressmen because it was classified information, also stated that some of the people who work with this extraterrestrial technology have been injured in accidents while trying to manipulate the captured equipment. .
He was not the only one to give his testimony, along with him, two other retired soldiers assured that the US authorities have detected a threat to national security over the country's airspace, regardless of its origin. They all testified before a US House of Representatives subcommittee tasked with investigating so-called “unidentified anomalous phenomena (FAI),” or UFOs.
A candy-shaped UFO
Given the abundance of witnesses, in many cases both military and civilian pilots, the members of the subcommittee demanded that the US government establish a “transparent and secure” system so that these incidents can be reported to the authorities without damaging the reputation of the witnesses.
For his part, former Lt. Ryan Graves, a former US Navy F-18 fighter pilot, said in his opening statement that “if UFOs are foreign drones, they are an urgent national security issue.”
Graves added that if UFOs are not of human origin, “it is a matter for science. In any case, unidentified objects are a concern for aviation security.”
Another of the witnesses, former Commander David Gravor, also a retired Navy pilot, testified how he witnessed in 2004 a UFO in the shape of a tic tac, a popular American candy that resembles a pill, with flight capabilities impossible for US technology.
Graves said that if the United States has such technology, it “needs to be overseen” by lawmakers, who have to decide what is in the best interest of Americans.