A sea lion escapes from the New York zoo taking advantage of the flooding in the city


A female sea lion, known as Sally, briefly escaped this Friday from her enclosure at the New York Zoo in Central Park, in the United States, swimming out of her pool due to the heavy rains that are ravaging the city and causing flooding.

Workers have monitored Sally's movements as she explored the area around the enclosure before joining the zoo's two other sea lions in the pool, according to one of the workers who supervises this enclosure and reported by The New York newspaper. Times.

This same worker explained that at 3:00 p.m. (local time) the water in the zoo had already gone down and all the animals were in their enclosures.. During the rains no staff have been in danger and the city's four zoos have been closed so they could focus on keeping the animals safe.

A witness who works in an office overlooking the zoo said the wandering sea lion was a rare sight.. “When we got to our office, everything was quite flooded,” he said, adding that “we saw him explore around the premises and then go back in.”

As of Friday afternoon, nearly 8 inches of rain has fallen at JFK Airport, according to the National Weather Service, making it the wettest day since records began there in 1948.. The service has warned that the rain would continue for hours and the threat of continued flooding on motorways, streets and underpasses.