An Italian businessman dies after being crushed by 25,000 Grana Padano cheeses

An Italian businessman has been crushed to death by some 25,000 Grana Padano cheeses that fell when the shelves of his farm where they were placed collapsed, near Bergamo, a town near Milan (northern Italy).

The firefighters located this Monday the body of the 75-year-old owner of the cheese factory, after an intense search, which began on Sunday night, after all the cheeses that were stored precipitated and generated a “domino” effect, according to detailed the local press.

The main hypothesis attributes the accident to a failure of the system that allows the cheese wheels to move and that the owner, identified as Giacomo Chiapparin, was using at the time of the collapse.

The fall of a first shelf, from the ceiling, caused a domino effect from which the man could not escape; in fact, the hopes of finding him alive disappeared within the first hours of searching, given the enormous weight of the cheeses.

It took about twenty troops, including firefighters and members of emergency teams, to locate the businessman's body on the farm, about two thousand square meters.

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