Biden gives US intelligence services 90 days to find out how Covid-19 arose
The president of the United States, Joe Biden, has just issued a statement ordering the spy services of that country to “redouble their efforts to locate and analyze information that can bring us closer to a definitive conclusion” about how the Covid-19 arose.
Biden gives the US intelligence community 90 days to send him a report on the origins of the disease, which officially appeared in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019 and has infected 168 million to date. people and killed 3.5 million, according to the American Johns Hopkins University, although the real number is certainly several times higher. Covid-19 has also caused the biggest crisis in the world economy since the Great Depression, 90 years ago.
Biden's announcement comes after the newspaper 'The Wall Street Journal' has published two pieces of information stating that the US espionage services fear that the coronavirus came from a research center in Wuhan, probably the Institute of Virology of that city.. The White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki, has neither confirmed nor denied the newspaper's news, but has indicated that other countries send their suspicions to the United States that the Covid could have been the product of an accident in a laboratory.
In the statement, Biden recalls how China prevented foreign investigators from entering Wuhan in the first months of the tragedy.. His order will undoubtedly further strain relations between the United States and China, which have been deteriorating since Donald Trump came to power in 2017, and have undoubtedly taken a turn for the worse with Biden, who assumed the presidency in January.
Beijing, for its part, insists that Covid-19 passed from an animal -possibly a bat- to a human being, and has even gone so far as to maintain that the virus appeared outside the country and reached China in food products.. The truth is that despite the fact that Covid-19 appeared in China, that country has evaded all responsibilities regarding the management of the pandemic.