Curious discovery in Pompeii: thirteen figurines similar to those in a nativity scene that show a pagan ritual

On Christmas Eve, archaeologists working at the Pompeii sites have found thirteen human-shaped terracotta statuettes that resemble figurines in a nativity scene, although their antiquity seems to go back a long time.

The figures, 15 centimeters high, would belong to a pagan ritual and, based on the first studies, some of them seem to be related to the myth of Cybele and her lover Attis and the life cycle of the seasons and the fertility of the earth. , that is, to the spring equinox, according to the Pompeii archaeologists in a press release.

Along with the figurines that recreate human people, a walnut, an almond, the clay head of a rooster and a glass pineapple have also been found.

At the time of discovery, the statuettes were placed in a vertical position, so they were probably in the hallway of a home, in some kind of showcase or shelf.

Furthermore, the same hallway where they were located was decorated with flowers on the upper part of the walls.

According to researchers, the sculptures emerged from the lava fragments produced by Vesuvius at a height of two meters from the ground.

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