The former president of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, died this Friday afternoon at the age of 98 at the Salvator Mundi hospital, located in Rome, reports the AdnKronos agency.
Napolitano served as president of Italy between 2006 and 2015, replacing Carlo Azeglio Ciampo and was re-elected on April 20, 2013, becoming the oldest head of state, as he was around 90 years old when he left office.
He had previously served as Minister of the Interior (1996-1998) in the Government of Prime Minister Romano Prodi and as President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies (1992-1994).
The current president of Italy, Sergio Mattarella, has sent a message, which is collected by the Italian news agency Ansa, remembering Napolitano's great career: “Elected to the highest magistrates of the State, President of the Chamber, Senator for life, President of the Republic for two terms, he has faithfully interpreted the Constitution.”
For her part, the Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, has sent her condolences on behalf of the Italian government.
Pope Francis has also dedicated a few words to the death of the former president: “It has caused in me feelings of shock and at the same time of recognition for this statesman who, during the development of his high institutional responsibilities, has manifested great gifts of intellect. and sincere passion for Italian political life”.