Sánchez and Díaz defend their Government agreement in Brussels: "It represents the social majority of our country"

Pedro Sánchez and Yolanda Díaz have been showing harmony for several days, signed with the agreement between PSOE and Sumar to repeat the coalition formula that began in 2019. Both have defended the pact within the framework of the Tripartite Social Summit, which they attended this Wednesday in Brussels. “I believe that there is an immense majority of Spaniards who feel represented in the agreement between the PSOE and Sumar,” summarized the acting president upon his arrival in the community capital to attend a format that takes place every six months and brings together to the EU institutions with other social actors. Spain attended under the rotating presidency of the Council, which it holds until December.
“The pact is based on three main objectives for the legislature: stability, as we have achieved during the last four years with the pandemic and war; progress policies; and coexistence policies.. We are in the line of continuing to build that coexistence,” Sánchez added before journalists, before adding that it is an agreement “that represents the social majority of our country, regardless of what they voted for.”. After the green light with Sumar, the Chief Executive said that “the investiture is getting closer and closer.”
The Tripartite Social Summit is a forum for dialogue between the EU institutions, represented by their presidents, and the European social partners, represented by their senior management staff.. The summit is co-chaired by the president of the European Council and the president of the European Commission. Likewise, BusinessEurope, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), SGI Europe (association of companies with services of general interest), SMEunited (association of crafts and SMEs in Europe) and CEC European Managers (European confederation of managers) participate.
For her part, Yolanda Díaz also spoke from the same forum in Brussels. “Is our country in favor of reducing the working day? I think so,” the acting vice president and leader of Sumar began by saying about what may be the key point of the pact with the socialists.. It is a measure, he says, “very positive for the workers of our country” and the agreement will have to be reached within the framework of social dialogue and in accordance with the European Social Charter.. Of course, Díaz warns that Spain is “an anomaly” when it comes to the management of layoffs. “The important thing is that regulatory changes are made hand in hand with social dialogue, this is the key,” he concluded.
Regarding relations with Podemos, Díaz assured that they are “negotiating” with that leg of the Sumar coalition. “We do it from minute one,” he added, and maintained that the purple ones “know all the decisions”, something that has implicitly served to deny Irene Montero, who this Tuesday expressed that her team were not aware of the agreement reached. between Sumar and the PSOE to reissue the Government coalition. The clock, meanwhile, keeps ticking. The horizon? On November 27th.
After the meeting, Sánchez explained at a press conference that social dialogue transferred to the European level “is crucial to combine economic efficiency and social justice”, which is why it is necessary to give “continuity” to this type of summits with social actors. Here the question arises of how to advance the strategic autonomy of the EU, including the social dimension of the community project.. “The double ecological and digital transition must be successfully addressed,” continued the acting President of the Government, who sees it as crucial to strengthen the social pillar of the Union.
For Charles Michel, President of the European Council, the EU is “convinced of the added value of social dialogue to know what the impressions are on European issues, to consolidate the economic and technological base of the Union”. The Belgian leader assumes that the bloc faces “very complex challenges”, and has congratulated “the Spanish presidency for the clear commitment it has to companies, citizens and workers”. Michel assured that this future line is marked by measures such as the Green Pact. “That is our growth strategy, it is a social transition,” he concluded, and stressed that for this it is necessary to “reinforce the industrial base” of the EU.
About Israel…. and with defense of Guterres
Upon his arrival in Brussels, Pedro Sánchez also referred to the situation between Israel and Palestine, which will be addressed this Thursday and Friday at a new European Council summit.. He has reaffirmed the position of the acting Government: it condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas and assures that the defense of Israel is “legitimate” but must occur “in accordance with International Law.”
Furthermore, he has defended the figure of the UN Secretary General, criticized precisely by Israel after denouncing the situation in Gaza. “What it is doing is raising the voice of a large majority of societies in the world that what they want is a humanitarian pause,” summarized Sánchez, who once again asked for “the cessation” of hostilities “to prevent the humanitarian disaster from happening.” “In the Strip it gets more and more as the days go by. Spain's objective, he concluded, is to “find a diplomatic way” to end the conflict, while defending the two-state solution.