Sánchez lands in Washington to meet tomorrow with Biden at the White House

The Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, landed this afternoon in Washington DC on the eve of the meeting that he will hold with his US counterpart, Joe Biden, this Friday at the White House. On the table will be everything from the situation in Ukraine and migration to pending issues between the two countries, such as Palomares and the US tariffs on black olives.
Sánchez landed shortly before 5:45 p.m. this afternoon local time (11:45 p.m. in Spain) at the Andrews air base, in the state of Maryland, where he was received by the Spanish ambassador to the United States, Santiago Cabanas, and by the ambassador Permanent Observer of Spain to the OAS, Carmen Montón.
He then went to his hotel, located in the center of the US capital, just two streets from the White House, before attending an event at the residence of the Spanish ambassador in which he will be presented with the decoration of the Order of Isabel La Católica to the veteran politician of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi.
Predictably, Sánchez will highlight Pelosi's courage and perseverance, for her defense of democracy and women's rights, according to Moncloa sources.. He will also underline his work to strengthen bilateral relations between Spain and the United States.
Sánchez arrives in a United States in which much of the media attention is focused on the border with Mexico, because tonight the so-called 'Title 42' ends, the legislation implemented by the government of former President Donald Trump during the pandemic that it allowed hot returns at the borders, and an increase in the arrival of migrants is expected.
The migratory phenomenon will therefore be one of the issues that both leaders will discuss, after Spain agreed last week to collaborate with the United States to welcome migrants from Central and South America, expanding circular migration agreements to select seasonal workers and also selecting to possible refugees who, due to their profile and integration capacity, may be eligible to access a job in Spain.
However, from the Executive they have indicated that they do not foresee a specific number of people who will arrive from this region by virtue of these agreements and that in any case it will depend on the needs of the Spanish labor market.