His name is Chase, he is seven years old and since last Friday he is officially the hero of the week in his native United States and it seems that he is also on this side of the Pond.
It all started with a nice bathing day on daddy's boat. Steven Poust took his four-year-old children Chase and Abigail bathing in the St.. Johns en Jacksonville, Florida. He anchored the boat in a quiet area and went down into the water with the children, until tragedy struck.
The girl used to bathe clinging to the back of the boat, but in a current blow she got loose and was dragged. Her brother also let go to help her, but he couldn't reach her.. The father jumped into the water and yelled for his son to swim to shore for help: “I told him I loved him because I wasn't sure what was going to happen,” Poust told CNN.. “I tried to keep both of them. I got tired. She walked away from me.”
Chase managed to reach the shore an hour later, swimming with a dog held on by his life jacket.. When firefighters arrived at the ship, father and daughter were already far away, but with the help of the rescue services all three managed to end the nightmare safe and sound.